🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

Summary post

And that’s it! June is over, and so is this challenge for me. I managed to complete the rest of the month with a perfect score :blush:.

Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25

= Japanese
= Japanese and Spanish

The listening I got done in Spanish:

I listened to… a bunch of episodes of the Duolingo Spanish podcast. I’m not exactly sure how many :sweat_smile:. Doing the math, probably nine?

I also watched 14 episodes of La Casa de las Flores (all of season one, and the first episode of season two), all with Spanish subtitles.

The listening I got done in Japanese:

I watched four episodes of 夢プロレス-dream on the ring-, listened to ten 童話 stories, and watched miscellaneous other things (Japanese wrestling shows, press conferences, and assorted other videos)

All in all, it was a very successful challenge! I made a lot more progress with Spanish than Japanese, but that’s understandable, considering the fact that I’m further along with that language.

I wasn’t exactly sure how much I’d get out of this, because I feel like my Japanese isn’t far enough along to benefit terribly much, and I wasn’t sure I was ready to take my Spanish to the next step, but I’m really glad I ended up going for it anyway. I’m especially glad that I took the leap and started watching La Casa de las Flores, which I wouldn’t have done without this challenge as an incentive!

I did actually see noticeable improvement in both my Japanese and Spanish listening, even though I didn’t even do this a full month.

I’ll probably be back at the end of the official challenge period to participate again during the off month :sweat_smile:. In the meantime, I’ll be doing the read every day challenge :blush:.

Good luck to everyone starting the challenge, and to everyone who started already!