πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 πŸ– β˜€

:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Falling Leaf Party: Date 20220913 :fallen_leaf: :raccoon:

吾輩は狸である progress: 24.58% :brain:

Wagahai-cat conjures up all his courageous spirit and wanders outside of the house to infiltrate the enemy and gather information. Like a ninja he crawls unheard, softly like a cloud, not like those clumsy humans.

He also comes to the conclusion that he is in fact very intelligent, the only thing holding him back is his lack of human-word producing vocal cords. In fact he is probably in the direct bloodline of Nekomata, with such a magnificent tail, if only he could get a closer look at his tail, but it is always out of reach, always one step ahead, if only he could capture it… ε°‘γ€…ηœΌγŒγγ‚‰γ‚€

:chestnut: Japanese found within the acorns :chestnut:


θ‰ΆηΎŽγ€Œγˆγ‚“γ³γ€γƒΌ Sensual beauty; seductive beauty
η„‘ι ΌζΌ’γ€ŒγΆγ‚‰γ„γ‹γ‚“γ€γƒΌ Ruffian
ζ—₯ι›‡γ„γ€Œγ²γ‚„γ¨γ„γ€γƒΌ Day labourer; hiring by the day
η™½ι›¨γ€Œγ―γγ†γ€γƒΌ Rain shower
ε¨εš‡γ€Œγ„γ‹γγ€γƒΌ Threat; intimidation; menace
η£¬γ€Œγ‘γ„γ€γƒΌ Sound stone; qing (Chinese chime)
η₯žη₯‡γ€Œγ˜γ‚“γŽγ€γƒΌ Gods of heaven and earth



New shark friend! :shark:
Those books he brought also look very cute