πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 πŸ– β˜€

:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Falling Leaf Party: Date 20220901 :fallen_leaf: :raccoon:

吾輩は狸である progress: 13.89% :spiral_calendar:

Forgot that yesterday was the end of the challenge, might as well keep on until the next anyway, because I’ll no doubt still be reading about Wagahai-cat and his adventures.

Congrats to everyone who has taken part in this challenge! It’s great to see so many successes! Hope to see you all in the next one, or to just continue in this one until then :raccoon:

:chestnut: Japanese found with the acorns :chestnut:


ζ™©ι€γ€Œγ°γ‚“γ•γ‚“γ€γƒΌ Dinner; supper
ζš‡δΉžγ„γ€Œγ„γ¨γΎγ”γ„γ€γƒΌ Leave-taking / requesting leave (from work); saying goodbye
η΅Άι–“γͺγγ€ŒγŸγˆγΎγͺく」ー Incessantly; without pause
θ­«θͺžγ€Œγ›γ‚“ご」ー Talking in a delirium
ζ›–γ€…γ€Œγ‚γ„γ‚γ„γ€γƒΌ Faint; dim; unclear
ζη―γ€Œγ‘γ‚‡γ†γ‘γ‚“γ€γƒΌ Paper lantern


Whoa, that’s really impressive!! Congrats! :tada:

I am so intrigued, I look forward to the cute!

Congrats! :tada:
23 pages a day is real impressive!

Great job on keeping up with your goal!