πŸ“šπŸ“š Read every day challenge - Summer 2022 πŸ– β˜€

:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Beach Resort: Date 20220813 :beach_umbrella: :raccoon:

吾輩は狸である progress: 3.03% :mouse2:

Wagahai-cat and Kuro-cat talk about catching mice.

:beach_umbrella: Japanese found in the sand :beach_umbrella:


ε―θ»’γΆγ€Œγ­γ“γ‚γΆγ€γƒΌ To lie down; to throw yourself down
θ‡ͺζ…’θ©±γ€Œγ˜γΎγ‚“γ°γͺし」ー Bragging; being boastful
ηͺγ£εΌ΅γ‚Šγ€Œγ€γ£γ±γ‚Šγ€γƒΌ Support; prop; brace; bar; taut; tightness; stiffness
ε’»ε£γ€Œγ—γ‚‡γ†γΈγγ€γƒΌ Enclosing wall; boundary fence (Also: 障壁)
εΆε–Šγ€Œγ¨γ£γ‹γ‚“γ€γƒΌ Battle cry; war cry
ηŸ³η°γ€Œγ›γ£γ‹γ„οΌγ„γ—γ°γ„γ€γƒΌ Lime (material (not fruit))
η¨γ‚€γ€Œγ«γ‚‰γ‚€γ€γƒΌ To glare at; to scowl at
璌γͺγ€Œγ‚γγͺ」ー Satisfactory; decent
θͺ€ι­”εŒ–γ™γ€Œγ”γΎγ‹γ™γ€γƒΌ To deceive; to cheat; to swindle
ζ”Ύθ•©γ€Œγ»γ†γ¨γ†γ€γƒΌ Dissipation; prodigality; debauchery
ι’¨ι‡‡γ€Œγ΅γ†γ•γ„γ€γƒΌ Air; appearance

理ηͺŸ = η†ε±ˆγ€Œγ‚Šγγ€γ€(Theory; reason; logic)
出递う = ε‡ΊδΌšγ†γ€Œγ§γ‚γ†γ€(To meet by chance; to encounter)


Glad to hear that you’re feeling better!

Whooo! This is awesome! Nice going! :tada: :books: :tada: