📚📚 Read every day challenge - Spring 2023 🌸🌷🌼

:bookmark: :books: Redglare’s home post :cherry_blossom: :blossom:

:calendar: image

Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26

:books: Bookmeter profile :books:

Reading material
Title Type Progress Completed
薬屋のひとりごと 4 Book 5% → 100% April 17
薬屋のひとりごと 5 Book 0% → 100% April 29
薬屋のひとりごと 6 Book 0% → 100% May 14
薬屋のひとりごと 7 Book 0% → 100% May 21

Previous home posts

Link to daily updates

April                       01, 02,
03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07,
08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,
29, 30, 31.

                  01, 02, 03, 04,
05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11,
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30.


1/4 43 pages シャドーハウス, 11 pages 古見さん

Continuing to read ahead with the former and trying to keep up with the other clubs!


Just gonna be reading manga with Jisho open in another tab

01 :slight_smile: 02[:slight_smile: ]
03[:slight_smile: ] 04[:slight_smile: ] 05[:slight_smile: ] 06[:slight_smile: ] 07[:slight_smile: ] 08[:slight_smile: ] 09[:slight_smile: ]
10[:slight_smile: ] 11[:slight_smile: ] 12[:slight_smile: ] 13[:slight_smile: ] 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
01 02 03 04 05 06 07
08 09 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

Home post

Today I finally finished the Grammar Term Section of :white_flower: “A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar”, which was last week’s section of the book club. I am a little behind, because reading a physical book is difficult at the moment (I have a 16 month old toddler :baby: here, and when I want to read a book it becomes the most interesting thing in the world for her - which most of the time results in me not being able to read at all :sweat_smile:).

Then I finished this week’s reading of :dragon_face: ルリドラゴン (p. 80 → p. 86)

And I continued with this week’s reading of the Visual Novel :old_key: 999. Which is by far the most difficult thing I am reading at the moment. I have to look up many words/kanji. But thanks to various tools it is easy to do :+1:
I am still not finished with this week’s section though, and I hope I will get the chance to continue tomorrow.


Hi, I join :durtle_hello: Thanks to @windupbird for hosting yet another reaching challenge! :books::yellow_heart:

March was quite a challenge for me, mainly because the book I was reading did not strike a chord with me. So I decided to drop it and read something I know I’ll like.

:bookmark: Home post // April 1 :cherry_blossom: :blossom:

・薬屋のひとりごと 4 (5% → 8%)

The streak of uncommon furigana in this series continues. And I like it.
At this rate I don’t need to learn words in Japanese, only English/waseigo :P

Word Reading Furigana Meaning
かた タイプ type, model
按摩 あんま マッサージ massage, masseur
醜聞 しゅうぶん スキャンダル scandal

:hibiscus:April 1:hibiscus:

:white_flower:A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar: Grammatical Terms

Getting through the beginning of 二ノ国, which is a lot of tutorial dialogue still. I plan to read 本好きの下剋上 on slower days later on when I’m inevitably going to have to grind levels and have gone through unlocked マジックマスター pages.

Read last week’s assigned reading for :white_flower:DoBJG. Thankfully, I’m not too far behind and can easily catch up at this point. My main focus is getting through 二ノ国 as I want to actually go through a game from start to finish in Japanese and life has been getting in the way. Thankfully, it’s easy to look up things with all the furigana.


Joining casually again. Going to have to bump book goals out to one every two months–work never let up (it’s getting worse :smiling_face_with_tear:) and with everything else I just don’t have the time.

My plan is still 30min of reading on work days, with longer on off-days. Still one manga a week, a book every 2 months, and a game as long as it takes (P3P on back burner during the 999 VN club reading)


Knowing your reading skills you could probably speed it up to 1.2x or so until you get to a point you’d like to slow down and savor.




答えの半分を間違いました。私が理解できなかった語彙と文法をホーム投稿に入れました。是非, 見に行ってください :notes:

:cherry_blossom: ホーム投稿 :cherry_blossom:


Summary post

Day 1: April 1st
What did I read?: ペンギン・ハイウェイ :penguin:
How much did I read?: 8 pages
How long did it take me?: 37 min

Woooo first day of the challenge! Welcome everyone old and new :grin: :tada:

I inadvertently started off the challenge by…finishing a book in English, because of course I did :upside_down_face: Although it wasn’t really what I was supposed to be doing, it marks the first time I’ve finished an English-language book in…a while, so that’s good at least :joy: If anyone’s wondering, it was called The Attic Child and I thought it was pretty good - the writing style was just ok imo but the story was intriguing and I definitely teared up a few times near the end

I did eventually pull it together and read some of Penguin Highway, too :joy: And I learned a neat word/expression: 万が一, meaning “(if) by some chance; by some possibility; in the unlikely event that; 10000 to 1​”


April 1st!

Today I finished reading Chapter 2 of Ruri Dragon with the ABBC.

(Home Post)


:cherry_blossom: :books: taiyousea’s 花見読 home thread :bubble_tea::open_book:
nativelystudy log

April 1st:
:bookmark: ナルト (Ch.1 completed - 57 pages)

i gotta confess, i always get really nervous about diving into native materials because i get so scared that i won’t understand anything and end up reaching way beyond my ability. naruto has been a longtime favorite series of mine, since i was a wee pre-teen watching three-part episode uploads on youtube every week, so for some reason I’ve always held it up as this suuuper advanced language goal, that maybe someday i might be able to understand it without subtitles or translation… so imagine my surprise when i tested the waters today only to find out that, not only could i read it easily, but also laugh along with the jokes and cry at the sad parts :face_holding_back_tears: all without needing to stop to look up vocab words

i did jot down a few words in my notebook to look up later, so I’m excited to add those terms to my SRS app. but I’m just incredibly jazzed that i get to read something I’ve always seen as this nebulous future fluency goal

@lady_nelle I’m so excited to see that you’re playing 二ノ国! it’s one of my favorite immersion activities for the language level and chill vibe, but i never have time to play lately :sob: i look forward to your updates!!


April 1st :seedling:

Had a busy day but squeezed in a little bit of サクラ、サク! Hoping to get some Tobira and Yotsubato in tomorrow.




  • both volumes of 先生もネット世代 The Net Generation Teacher! It’s so good. This is definitely easier to read on paper than pixiv lol. Anyway, Ueda-sensei looks a lot like Mima. I think Nata-sensei might have a type. It’s soo weird though reading a normal b&w manga by Nata Kokone, I’m so used to the full-color クールドジ男子.
  • 5 pages of 透き通った風が吹いて, leaving off on pg 43
Some vocab of note:

木苺 (きいちご) [n.] raspberry. They don’t even grow on trees…
拍車がかかる (はくしゃがかかる) [expression, ラ五] to spur on; to expedite; to encourage
未然に防ぐ (みぜんにふせぐ) [expression, ガ五] to prevent; to take precautions. Lit. “to prevent before it happens” —a bit redundant lol
ガチ恋 (ガチこい) [slang, n.] being in love with an actor, idol, etc.; a person who is so
ダダ漏れ (ダダもれ) [colloq., n.] big leak; uncontained leak
真っ只中 (まっただなか) [n.] right in the midst of; right at the height of
チクる [colloq., ラ五] to tattle; to tell on; to inform a superior of someone’s actions
寡黙 (かもく) [n., な-adj.] taciturn; untalkative; quiet; reticent; uncommunicative

Hey, I came across this one today, too!


I read most of this week’s レベル7 reading and only have a couple of pages to knock out tomorrow. Might get to dive back into one of my non bookclub books after!


April 1 :cherry_blossom: Home Post

Pretty good start to the challenge today! I started looking into next week’s potential Zero Escape reading, and also read some more BU$TAFELLOWS which has continued to be wild :eyes: but now I must go to bed, tragically :laughing:


Solid advice, thanks! :+1: While I was grumbling to myself that she sure took her time and left way too long pauses for effect, it somehow never occurred to me to try and speed up. It’s going much better now (and she sounds much less timid, finally!). :slight_smile:


:books: :blossom: softlyraining’s blossoming book stack :cherry_blossom: :open_book:

April 1st

:red_square: NANA 1 (21% → 32%)

First day of the challenge! :partying_face:

NANA was one of the first manga I ever read at a probably-too-young age. Diving into it again has been interesting so far. In general, I feel like I’m more judgmental of the characters: I recall being somewhat judgy, but I think my judgments now are more critical. For example, we meet Main Character A Nana Komatsu as her “boyfriend” dumps her. I know I thought it was weird that she dated an older man (29) while she was in high school, but reading it now has me going, "Oh, this is a man who needs to be taken to the authorities PRONTO. While Nana does have a tendency to crush on older men, she’s a) still in high school (and therefore a child in my eyes) and b) is kind of a naive character, so I don’t really have a problem with how she acts or views things.

I kind of like that I get to read this more critically. It gives me the chance to reevaluate these characters, which is fun for me. :grin:




I felt the same thing rereading Fruits Basket! When I first read at age 12 or so I thought the age gap of Toru’s parents was a little weird and Toru’s dad is portrayed as such a huge hero but rereading it he just feels like a huge predator :scream: