šŸ“ššŸ“š Read every day challenge - Fall/Autumn 2021 šŸšŸ‚šŸ¦

Summary post

A Long-Delayed Reflection Post
Only a month late, but whoā€™s counting :crazy_face:

First, I will start with accomplishments!

  • With someā€¦bending of the rules (:eyes:) I did keep my streak and read every day!
  • I didnā€™t finish High Speed, but I did read 162.5/228 pages, soā€¦71% of the way there xD I donā€™t mind that I didnā€™t finish it, though - despite the name, I think this novel is one to savor, rather than rush through. Once I started reading it, I realized that I wanted to take my time and fully enjoy the book, which sometimes meant setting it aside for a bit when I knew I wasnā€™t in the mindset to enjoy it. I really have enjoyed finding these characters again <3 I love them just as much as I did 8+ years ago when I first met them through the anime :3 I was going to make myself a goal of finishing the book before the start of the next challenge, but then work exploded sooo I donā€™t think I will make that goal after all. Iā€™ll come back to it for sure :slight_smile:
  • Aside from reading High Speed, I also read 685 pages of manga and finished 5 manga volumes (6 if you count the one I started prior to the challenge)
  • Overall, I read for a whopping 55 hours over the course of the challenge - not quite as much as I read in the summer challenge, but still 55 hours I wouldnā€™t have spent reading otherwise
  • Bonus: I got to enjoy a lot of really cute things :joy: I love our Tanuki Cuteness Brigade - I had so much fun sharing cute things and hearing about even more cute things to enjoy :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Also, PS, I bought that big fluffy bird plushie - 10/10 would buy again (so round :heart: big fluffy ball of birb)

One thing that continues to elude me is actually building a habit without the ā€œthreatā€ of the challenge hanging over my head :upside_down_face: I have read exactly nothing since the end of the challenge, which is not entirely my own fault (thanks, work, love you :grimacing::+1:), but I justā€¦canā€™t help but feel a little annoyed by how readily I let it drop.

Some more thoughts related to that

So, something that made me feel a bit guilty - when the challenge was done, I felt a littleā€¦relieved? And I donā€™t really know how to take that? Like, what am I relieved about?
That I donā€™t have to read every day? (Why are you like this, me, donā€™t you like reading? :unamused:)
That I can ā€œlet goā€ of a routine? (Why are none of the changes I try to make ever sustained/sustainable)
That I donā€™t have to post every day? (Not that there was even an obligation to do that anyway, but I definitely feel pressure from myself to do that sometimes - I do feel like it keeps me on track, so I feel I should, but I, likeā€¦donā€™t want to be kept on track, sometimes, if that even makes sense. I feel like it also might have helped if Iā€™d made my posts a bit shorter/simpler :sweat_smile: But if Iā€™m posting I want toā€¦you know, say something. ā€¦Itā€™s a complex issue lol)
And maybe itā€™s none of the above, maybe itā€™s just life (aka work) overwhelming me like freaking always and making me eager to drop everything I can, but even thinking that doesnā€™t stop me from being annoyed about how easy it is for me to get overwhelmed by stuff. It happens, likeā€¦not infrequently. Where I have to let stuff drop, because something has to give and that thing canā€™t ever be work. I hate that :upside_down_face: I feel like Iā€™m the only one at work who has this problem to such a degree.

Aaaanywayā€¦enough on that xD
Iā€™m happy I had the opportunity to run this challenge thread :3 You all made this such a fun experience :heart: And it was awesome getting to introduce this challenge to more people ^^