📚📚 Read every day challenge - Fall 2022 🍁🍂

Nov 23, Wed of Week 9 of Fall 2022 :maple_leaf:

  • うたわれるもの (Steam) 1 hour or something

Read into 用語辞書 (inside the game); that is, game’s technical terms, and how to play (game mechanic).

Interesting vocabularies
  • 福利厚生 both 福利 and 厚生 (こうせい) both appear to mean, welfare
  • 就労 getting (就職) into labor (労)
  • 仲間外れ being in outskirts (外れ) of friends (仲間) circle
  • 粟 (^あわ) millet or something, I don’t know English. Perhaps like rice (米), but crushed under helicopter (覀, technically west 西), like in a blender, forming rice grains. Different pitch from 泡 (あわ_).
    • Forgive my non-standard pitch notation…
  • むさい somewhat feel like むずむず + くさい
  • 即座 No need to move anywhere. It sits right here, at this place.
  • 立役者 (たて~) leading actor
  • 逗留 (とうりゅう) reach (留める) the resting (到着 [とうちゃく]) place. Sleep on bean (豆) bag.
  • 夜半 no audio, probably やはん
  • 火照る (ほてる) first time I see in Kanji form. 火影 (ほかげ) (from Naruto) + 照れる (てれる). Warm and flushed in a hotel (ホテル).
  • 悼む (いたむ) pain (痛む) when back at the mourning table (卓). Kanji also used in 哀悼, 追悼.
  • 身のこなし the こなす / こなし of the body (身), that is good action.
  • 胆力, 豪胆 = some words to represent 大胆
  • 供える providence (備える) to give support (提供)
  • 野ざらし (のざらし) to be bleached (晒す [さらす]) by the field (野原)
  • 弔う (とむらう) expressing condolences to the tomb (とむ). I also think of 弔慰 / 弔意.
  • 黙祷 (もくとう) = 沈黙 + 祷る (いのる), untold (とう) prayer (祈る)
  • 併せる (あわせる) like 合わせる, but with 合併, 併用
  • 驚愕 (きょうがく) study (学習) of Wani (鰐 :crabigator:). First Kanji is from 驚天.
  • のたくる movement like のたうち回る (のたうつ), but just come (来る), not hit hard (打つ), nor in circle (回る)


  • 無味無臭 (む.み/む.しゅう) last Kanji’s On reading is probably like, ugly (醜悪).
  • 多勢に無勢 (た.ぜい/に/ぶ.ぜい) vigor is Zei, being outnumbered, not 無事 (ぶじ)

Forgotten ones

  • 例 is named Rei, the leader amongst the rest (列 [れつ], think how JP people treat EN imported words)
  • 色取り取り (色とりどり) seems to be closer to 色々 than 彩り (色どり)


:tiger2: :books: The Tanuki Autumn Onsen :hotsprings: :raccoon:

20221123 - 吾輩は狸である progress: 81.89% :bamboo:

Master comes home to find his wife, children and his niece all talking excitedly, so he joins in too to make it even more confusing to keep up with who is saying what.

:fallen_leaf: Japanese found under the leaves :fallen_leaf:


花活け 「はないけ」ー Flower vase (also: 花生け)
無風流「ぶふうりゅう」ー Unrefined; tasteless; inelegant


Hope you manage to sort your sleep schedule out, sleep should be so simple, yet for some reason it’s so awkward, then it manages to mess everything else up too. Small changes each day go a long way, 頑張って! :raccoon:


:fallen_leaf: Day 54, 23rd of November :maple_leaf:

:open_book: Back to my Home Post

Okay I wanted to read something else so back to DrDru’s stories I go! The first one was very short and it was about a cat on the way to a concert. It met a dog in London and now they’re going there together! In the next one they meet a chicken and then I lost the thread of what they were talking about. At the end the chicken ask them where they’re going and if they’re going per boat.

Re-reading it, it seems like the chicken is the waitstaff of the place they ended up in and it asks them what they want to eat. I also keep forgetting that かえる is frog, so I was really confused why they were talking about returning the food. But nah, they’re talking about how in France you can get frog to eat.



On the 20th and 21st each I read one chapter of 金持ち君と貧乏君.

Yesterday, since I didn’t pick up a book before it got dark out (way too early in the day now… I’m sure I wouldn’t think that though if it weren’t for DST, when it would happen gradually rather than all at once) and then I didn’t feel like turning the light on in my room, I started reading the 2.43 清陰高校男子バレー部 next4years prologue on my phone. I think I read about half of it? No idea how many pages that equates to, of course.

And now I ramble for nearly as long as the part I read was, because 2.43 has me in its death grip and of course I did

By the end of high school, Yuni’s now 189 cm tall, just 1 cm shy of the height Chika wanted to reach (his favorite player, a pro setter named Abe, is 190 cm tall) and the same height Subaru (“It’s like looking at me from two years ago.”) was as a third-year. We’ll see how tall either of them are, now.

So close

(Also it’s cool that the new OS has unit conversions in notes. I thought all it did was want to add some—but not all—dates and things it thinks are dates to your calendar and mistake random things for flights.)

Okay so Yuni might not have cried losing against Keisei in the quarterfinals in third year like he did in first year, but I feel like crying seeing him grow into a reliable ace and captain. I do wish we coulda seen more of it than just this small glimpse through Chika’s eyes, but alas. And just like Subaru, he, too, never made it to that orange center court (although Chika does, twice, with Keisei). I hope all this means we’ll be getting some Yuni-Subaru rivalry this book. They sort of were set up as rivals in the 代表決定戦編 as they play the same position, but it was more laying the groundwork for a rivalry as Yuni still had to catch up first, so it was really just between Chika and Subaru as the two geniuses of Fukui.

No but it’s hilarious because when they’re shaking hands post-match, Chika tells him he’s gonna come meet him over spring break, and Yuni totally forgot until just then to tell him that he’s going to Hawai’i then (his grandfather’s birthday is over the new year, so they had been going to go over winter break—a.k.a. right now—but since Yuni’s got HaruKou, the trip was pushed back to March) despite that they’ve clearly still been in contact these past two years, so he’s just kinda like, “…About that… Eh heh, whoops,” and Chika’s voice goes up a register in his incomprehension when he exclaims, “Hanh?” And then when he does meet him at the train station after the Kuroba family vacation, Yuni’s wearing a lei and puts one around Chika’s neck, too, and it’s totally incongruous because it’s still winter here and there’s snow (that part was cute though, actually)

I missed them. Which might sound weird since it wasn’t all that long ago that I read a part of book 2, but I did. Maybe it’s just because the bit of the 代表決定戦編 I last read wasn’t new information and this is, or maybe I’ve just missed this aspect of YuniChika’s relationship, where Yuni’s ADHD ass does something stupid and Chika doesn’t really know how to comprehend or react to it, but yeah. I’ve missed them.

It’s a total pain in the tuckus to look stuff up when I’m reading on my phone, though. I’m sure if it weren’t for the haptics (and/or my sensory issues), I could just copy-paste, but since haptics make me wanna cry and I can’t turn them off, well. I mostly just end up looking up stuff whose readings I know/can guess or that I can otherwise look up without drawing. Trying to switch back and forth between my browser and Shirabe to accurately input/draw kanji is. a pain. Even when I try to remember components, unless they’re all constructions that I’m familiar enough with to draw completely from memory, it doesn’t work. (And curse when a kanji that looks like the one I’m looking for doesn’t have it under “similar kanji” and I gotta draw it because it has a different reading and I can’t just pick from my IME. Like 槍. I was pretty sure it meant “spear” but I wanted to double-check especially since it didn’t seem to fit the context [turns out it was a play on an expression] and couldn’t for the life of me remember the reading, and I figured it’d be easier to find it from 倉’s kanji page than drawing it, but alas.)

Some vocab of note (including some from previous days that I'm just gonna dump here instead of finding and updating their respective posts):

膝小僧 (ひざこぞう) [noun] kneecap. I just find it cute.
物々交換 (ぶつぶつこうかん) [四字熟語, noun] bartering
戦時下 (せんじか) [noun] in times of war; during the war
知り尽くす (しりつくす) [サ五] to have full knowledge (of something); to know something thoroughly. I would have figured this out myself if I could just remember 尽くす, but nope. Debating whether I should go ahead and add it to KS or just wait the very long while until I get to it on WK lv 50.
共鳴 (きょうめい) [noun, する verb (自)] resonance
邁進 (まいしん) [noun, する verb (自)] pushing forward (undaunted, bravely); working vigorously towards an aim; struggling on; striving towards
泣きじゃくる [自ラ五] to sob; to never stop crying; to cry on and on; to cry ceaselessly


Home post :bookmark: Nov 23 :maple_leaf::fallen_leaf: :snowman_with_snow:

・本好きの下剋上 13 (55% → 76%)

Had a short exam today. It went fine. Was going to prepare for next exam, but ended up just reading which was fun. Now I feel tired and bad for not doing any exam preparations.

No more autumn around this corner of the world :snowman_with_snow: One more week and autumn challenge will come to an end.


November 23 :heavy_check_mark: :maple_leaf:

秋の牢獄, 64-67%

Tiny read today. Once again I left it for too late in the day, and once again I’m getting sleepy. Interesting start to the story, it looks like it will be more fantasy and maybe more horror than the other stories. I guess I’ll find out tomorrow.


:maple_leaf: :jack_o_lantern: :snowflake: :christmas_tree: November 23 :christmas_tree: :snowflake: :jack_o_lantern: :maple_leaf:
Home Post

Loopers :infinity:

I’m back to reading this!!! So excited.

Four months and 15+ wanikani levels later and I finally found space in my reading schedule to start reading again. If I was a ton quicker, I would probably reread the first 4 chapters, but… no thank you. I can survive a bit of confusion.

Also super nice to see the extra levels are making a difference, even for the short scene I read today of chapter 5. Also, a lot of the vocabulary I do look up are things that showed in previous chapters, so I expected now that I will read this a bit more focused and just keep going (except for pausing for book club stuff), I can maybe remember the meanings long enough? I can sure hope so!

And exciting stuff for you guys too. I have Kiro pictures as well as a book/game haul!

Kiro first, right?

Kitten cuteness

There is a black cat inside the thingy. And yes this is normally a litter box, but it was empty at the time, so the cats played knock knock or whatever they called it.

Sorry for the graininess but if I’d gotten closer instead of zooming the phone camera, there is no way he would have been playing as cutely anymore. I have to catch him in the act. If he sees the camera coming, he tends to stop looking as cute. Still cute, but not as cute as he can be.

And my haul!

The books can be most easily seen on my bookmeter (my owned but not read shelf, the first five). The games are VNs, 9-nine that will be read in the VN club soon, and Hakuouki. The last one there I bought because I saw it recommended in several places on the forum. Otome, samurai, historical setting with the Shinsengumi. Sounds like a hoot. It is also super long and not something I will tackle anytime soon.

Not least because I’m already reading one VN and will add two more in December. I can only hope I’ll have made a good dent in Loopers by the time the second VN club starts, maybe even finished it?!?! I can hope.


Main Post

On November 23 I’ve read:

  • First two chapters of

I expected to have a considerable difficulty with this book, because it’s Grade 5 – the highest on Tadoku – however, so far, it has been surprisingly easy. Would have read more, but today has been a bit busy :sweat_smile:


The muted colors in that picture are such a vibe :snowman:
I’ll be sad for the challenge to end. I like reading everyone’s posts!

@MissDagger Kiro is so cute! :heart_eyes_cat:

Today I dug into the short story at the end of 死仮面 - it’s not as bad as it had been (the start was just boring me to tears) but I’m still not that engaged in the story. I have around 20 pages left and I’m going to try to finish it today but I don’t know if I’ll have time given other things I have to do tonight.

Also, @NicoleIsEnough you said to ping you when I was planning to start 半落ち and I’ve decided to start reading it in January and have drawn up a 10 week reading schedule for myself. I don’t know if it will be worth while to make an announcement post in December saying I plan to do this and people can join, and if, as it’s a longer book, I should make weekly threads or just stick to one. :person_shrugging: I’m a little unsure of the precedent since clubs I’ve been in have varied.

Also I guess at this point I should say that of course anyone is welcome to join when I start, but that for fair warning the only other book by this author that I’ve read was quite difficult for me. He doesn’t hold back on the vocabulary and his writing is more flowery/literary. I put a few example sentences in my review of ロクヨン.

I read a couple pages of 半落ち and it doesn’t seem quite as difficult as 64 was, but it’s worth noting I have almost a years worth of additional reading under my belt now :sweat_smile:

Personal schedule

Week 1 - Jan 2: 0-23; 23 pages; Start - 1.2

Week 2 - Jan 9: 23-51; 28 pages; 1.3 - 1.6

Week 3 - Jan 16: 51-79; 28 pages; 1.7- end of chapter

Week 4 - Jan 23: 80-107; 27 pages; 2.0 - 2.3

Week 5 - Jan 30: 108 - 142; 34 pages; 2.4 - end of chapter

Week 6 - Feb 6: 143 - 174; 31 pages; 3.0 - 3.4

Week 7 - Feb 13: 174-202; 28 pages; 3.5 - end of chapter

Week 8 - Feb 20: 203-254; 51 pages; chapter 4 (entirety)

Week 9 - Feb 27: 255-306; 50 pages; chapter 5 (entirety)

Week 10 - Mar 6: 307-357; 50 pages; chapter 6 (entirety)

Summary - Eng and JP

「妻を殺しました」。現職警察官・梶聡一郎が、アルツハイマーを患う妻を殺害し自首してきた。動機も経過も素直に明かす梶だが、殺害から自首までの2日間の行動だけは頑として語ろうとしない。梶が完全に“落ち”ないのはなぜなのか、その胸に秘めている想いとは――。日本中が震えた、ベストセラー作家の代表作。2003年このミステリーがすごい! 2002年週刊文春ミステリーベスト10 第1位

(copied from deepl)

I killed my wife. Soichiro Kaji, an incumbent police officer, has turned himself in for the murder of his wife, who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease. Kaji is honest about his motive and the process of the murder, but he stubbornly refuses to talk about his actions during the two days between the murder and his surrender. Why has Kaji not completely “fallen off the wagon,” and what thoughts does he have in his heart? This bestselling author’s masterpiece made the whole country tremble, and was selected as one of the “Greatest Mysteries of 2003” in "This Mystery is Amazing! The best-selling author’s masterpiece, which shocks the whole country.


Read Chainsaw man chapter 112 yesterday, but thats about it. Wednesdays are just Chainsaw man days for reading and listening. Today I will try to finish the main story of Shield Hero and the side stories on Friday. Hopefully volume 2 comes Saturday, if not, I can just wait.


November 23rd!

Today I read Chapter 34 of Shadows House - it had a very intriguing ending so I was tempted to read the next chapter to see what happens next, but I’m a bit unwell and tired so I decided to wait and read it at the same time as the other bookclub members next week.

(Home Post)


Home Post
:maple_leaf: :teddy_bear: :carousel_horse: 11.23.2022 :carousel_horse: :teddy_bear: :maple_leaf:

:purple_heart: Pokemon Violet
Really wasn’t in the mood to play today so I just read a couple of the pokedex entries


:lady_beetle: Home :lady_beetle:

November 22

人間椅子 -

135 - end (189 maybe?)

My use it or lose it might have been in vain. I tried to save some plants but it doesn’t look like the transfer was good for them… maybe they’ll turn around but I won’t hope for it.

November 23

人間椅子 -

Start - 12

I left home at 7am and didn’t get back until 10pm, so I was tired af lol. My plan tonight is to sleep


November 23 :maple_leaf: Home Post

I managed a bit more reading time than yesterday but I’m still generally busy with holiday things, so just read a chapter of ブルーロック! Chaotic and fun as always :grin:


Home Post

Day 14 Progress:
お隣の天使様 二冊 - 95.05% → 98.81% (Complete!)
お隣の天使様 三冊 - 0.31% → 3.06%
スローループ - Chapter 7 (looks like I accidentally read two chapters yesterday. I was wondering why it took so long lol)

Finally finished Volume 2 of お隣天使様 today! Compared to the first volume, it took about half as many days though it’s hard to say if it means much considering I’ve been reading a lot more. Still, it’s my second Japanese novel completed and finishing something does still feel pretty good.

I was stuck in a very stupid way today… sent オフにしてあるスマホの暗い画面 to a friend and asked him what he means, and he took the time to explain the grammar. I said “no, I know that, but what does オフ mean?” It turns out I somehow managed to read オフ as オレ and was stuck on that line for minutes as a result…

Word of the Day: 我流がりゅう - one’s own way or style. Feels like a very self-confident way of asserting yourself. I don’t know if it’s obvious yet but I really love the character 我. It’s one of the most normal characters ever in Chinese but in Japanese it carries this sense of pomp that I find kinda charming.


Update: Volume 2 comes on Monday T-T So this weekend I will need to just find something else to read.


I would make a post gauging interest first. If enough people are interested to join, it may be worth making weekly threads so that the discussion doesn’t get too complicated to follow. If it’s only two or three people though, I’d think a single thread would make more sense. I might join in, if January isn’t too busy (who am I kidding, when has that ever stopped me joining a club I’m interested in?).


Oh great, thanks for the ping! The schedule looks very good to me. I guess I would like to … glances at list of bookclubs … like to join you! :blush:

So far I always had good results when I announced my reading plans and made a thread for the book; it’s always surprising to see who is interested in what! For the weekly threads, I think if it’s just a small handful of readers, then it’s probably not worthwhile to make weekly threads as the traffic will not be that high (also with more advanced readers there’s usually not so much language-question traffic, and you can only speculate so much about the state of the story, I guess). In the F&B book club we are ~5 readers or fewer and we go with one thread per volume and it works extremely well (the books are only 200-250 pages but I don’t think that makes a huge difference); we mark each post with Chapter XYZ followed by spoiler tags and so far that has worked very well. But if it turns out that a larger group (say, 10 or more people, maybe?) are interested in reading it, you could ask in that group whether people prefer weekly threads.

Oh, that’s the same author? :intrigued:
I have that book firmly on my to-read list; it won the German Criminal Literature award for foreign-language books at some point, so there’s that. Looking forward to getting my toes wet with the author’s writing style!

Thanks for the heads up! I checked out the first page or so, and the writing style was ok so far but he sure has a way of throwing around long kanji strings and stuff :grin:


You got it right ! Congrats and thanks for going through the first two parts :slight_smile: .

The third one is a bit more exciting especially the end. I think half way through part 3 is when I really found ‘my style’. I find Part 4 the coolest. A big part of it is a side story that takes place in the ‘Tile World’. I’m saying this because I read somewhere that you’re going to read my Tile World Chronicles stories in the future if i’m correct.


Yes, I’m looking forward to it! It was the thing that kept me the most motivated before I got my new book. :+1: