On the 20th and 21st each I read one chapter of 金持ち君と貧乏君.
Yesterday, since I didn’t pick up a book before it got dark out (way too early in the day now… I’m sure I wouldn’t think that though if it weren’t for DST, when it would happen gradually rather than all at once) and then I didn’t feel like turning the light on in my room, I started reading the 2.43 清陰高校男子バレー部 next4years prologue on my phone. I think I read about half of it? No idea how many pages that equates to, of course.
And now I ramble for nearly as long as the part I read was, because 2.43 has me in its death grip and of course I did
By the end of high school, Yuni’s now 189 cm tall, just 1 cm shy of the height Chika wanted to reach (his favorite player, a pro setter named Abe, is 190 cm tall) and the same height Subaru (“It’s like looking at me from two years ago.”) was as a third-year. We’ll see how tall either of them are, now.
So close
(Also it’s cool that the new OS has unit conversions in notes. I thought all it did was want to add some—but not all—dates and things it thinks are dates to your calendar and mistake random things for flights.)
Okay so Yuni might not have cried losing against Keisei in the quarterfinals in third year like he did in first year, but I feel like crying seeing him grow into a reliable ace and captain. I do wish we coulda seen more of it than just this small glimpse through Chika’s eyes, but alas. And just like Subaru, he, too, never made it to that orange center court (although Chika does, twice, with Keisei). I hope all this means we’ll be getting some Yuni-Subaru rivalry this book. They sort of were set up as rivals in the 代表決定戦編 as they play the same position, but it was more laying the groundwork for a rivalry as Yuni still had to catch up first, so it was really just between Chika and Subaru as the two geniuses of Fukui.
No but it’s hilarious because when they’re shaking hands post-match, Chika tells him he’s gonna come meet him over spring break, and Yuni totally forgot until just then to tell him that he’s going to Hawai’i then (his grandfather’s birthday is over the new year, so they had been going to go over winter break—a.k.a. right now—but since Yuni’s got HaruKou, the trip was pushed back to March) despite that they’ve clearly still been in contact these past two years, so he’s just kinda like, “…About that… Eh heh, whoops,” and Chika’s voice goes up a register in his incomprehension when he exclaims, “Hanh?” And then when he does meet him at the train station after the Kuroba family vacation, Yuni’s wearing a lei and puts one around Chika’s neck, too, and it’s totally incongruous because it’s still winter here and there’s snow (that part was cute though, actually)
I missed them. Which might sound weird since it wasn’t all that long ago that I read a part of book 2, but I did. Maybe it’s just because the bit of the 代表決定戦編 I last read wasn’t new information and this is, or maybe I’ve just missed this aspect of YuniChika’s relationship, where Yuni’s ADHD ass does something stupid and Chika doesn’t really know how to comprehend or react to it, but yeah. I’ve missed them.
It’s a total pain in the tuckus to look stuff up when I’m reading on my phone, though. I’m sure if it weren’t for the haptics (and/or my sensory issues), I could just copy-paste, but since haptics make me wanna cry and I can’t turn them off, well. I mostly just end up looking up stuff whose readings I know/can guess or that I can otherwise look up without drawing. Trying to switch back and forth between my browser and Shirabe to accurately input/draw kanji is. a pain. Even when I try to remember components, unless they’re all constructions that I’m familiar enough with to draw completely from memory, it doesn’t work. (And curse when a kanji that looks like the one I’m looking for doesn’t have it under “similar kanji” and I gotta draw it because it has a different reading and I can’t just pick from my IME. Like 槍. I was pretty sure it meant “spear” but I wanted to double-check especially since it didn’t seem to fit the context [turns out it was a play on an expression] and couldn’t for the life of me remember the reading, and I figured it’d be easier to find it from 倉’s kanji page than drawing it, but alas.)
Some vocab of note (including some from previous days that I'm just gonna dump here instead of finding and updating their respective posts):
膝小僧 (ひざこぞう) [noun] kneecap. I just find it cute.
物々交換 (ぶつぶつこうかん) [四字熟語, noun] bartering
戦時下 (せんじか) [noun] in times of war; during the war
知り尽くす (しりつくす) [サ五] to have full knowledge (of something); to know something thoroughly. I would have figured this out myself if I could just remember 尽くす, but nope. Debating whether I should go ahead and add it to KS or just wait the very long while until I get to it on WK lv 50.
共鳴 (きょうめい) [noun, する verb (自)] resonance
邁進 (まいしん) [noun, する verb (自)] pushing forward (undaunted, bravely); working vigorously towards an aim; struggling on; striving towards
泣きじゃくる [自ラ五] to sob; to never stop crying; to cry on and on; to cry ceaselessly