Re Zero book club home thread

It might help with the comprehension, but you will spoil yourself on major plot points…


Best direction to take.

You’re doing great!

A poll for everyone:

  • Watched the anime
  • Will watch the anime before the book club starts
  • Will watch the anime after finishing volume 1
  • Won’t watch the anime
0 voters

First of all thanks you all for your support guys it’s really appreciated. I am glad that so much of you are still here and i’m sure it will be a great experience.

Then, since a great number of you wanted a reading aloud we will need a date and time.

Which is the best day for you(more than one choice is allowed)

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

0 voters

I will give you around 72 hours to think about it and then we can discuss the time.

But before that,

Which timezone are you in? Making a time zone pole will be too complicated so I will make it general. I will hide the name so that your location stays hidden. This will give me an idea of which hour to choose or if we have to split the reading aloud in two groups.

  • Canada,USA timezone
  • Europe timezone
  • Japan timezone
  • Other

0 voters

I hope to see you there :stuck_out_tongue:


Oh hey I own this book already. Maybe I’ll join.


For the reading aloud sessions I can maybe do some weekdays if they’re around 7-9pm Japan time. Otherwise weekends are best since I’m generally free and can move my work around as needed. :smile:


Thing is, I have a 3 months summer vacation now so I’m practically free 24/7, but in the latter half of September I’m going back to uni so I’ll only be free during weekends.
If this vote is temporary, I’ll vote all the days so as not to hinder anyone else who might only be available at a specific time. But if it’s the vote, then I’ll stick to weekends …

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Since selecting times to read is hard because of all the differents times zone, it will be for the entire book. If everyone was in the same time zone and had the exact same free time it could be easier. We may have to do two groups for it though. It will cause too much trouble to change time mid-way.

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I feel like a Saturday ~11PM Japanese timezone might actually fit everyone here, since it’s ~10 am USA and ~4 pm Europe too, and it’s a weekend so there’s Sunday off after it, no ?

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I was thinking of that kind of thing but I need to narrow down the possibilities. But I really do like the proposition. I will keep it in mind thanks for your help :smile:

Edit: 11PM might be late for some people though. You need concentration to read and understand another language.


No worries !
And yes 11 PM might be late, but too much earlier might be too early for the USA people, so I think you’ll have to find a compromise there with the concerned voters if you want to do only 1 reading section ? I based my 11pm on Foxy’s 9pm idea (a bit stretched tho) Maybe you could do an anonymous specific vote where only the concerned people vote ?
(P.s : Also thanks for taking the role of managing this club !)

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It is pretty unanimous that the reading will be on the weekend.

Which time do you prefer? (max 3 choices)

  • Saturday 11 PM(Japan), 10 AM(USA), 4PM Europe
  • Saturday 10 PM(Japan), 9 AM(USA), 3PM Europe
  • Sunday 11 PM(Japan), 10 AM(USA), 4PM Europe
  • Sunday 10 PM(Japan), 9 AM(USA), 3PM Europe
  • Another time
  • We should make two groups

0 voters

I know it may be limit for USA and Japan but if there is a problem there is always the possibility of doing the reading aloud in two groups with the risk of reducing the number of people in each of them. If you want to propose another time please say so.

I’m must say, i’m kinda surprise to see that the majority are in Europe timezone. I was expecting the majority to be in the USA. I like these kind of stats.

Keep the motivation up guys July is coming.

P.S the Re Zero movie Oath under the snow is out. It’s a nice movie. If you watched the anime you should definitly gice it a look. (I don’t know if it’s in the book though)


Can you make it up to 4 choices ?
I’m okay with all 4 of them so I don’t want my vote to be decisive (I think everyone in the european region is the same too) ^^
Also YES the ova (technically it’s an ova, not a movie) was a pure 60 minutes of happiness and healing :")
The voice actors themselves were healed by it xD
Watch this if you’re interested : (skip from 0:33 till 1:01 if you didn’t watch S1)
- YouTube
And no its story isn’t in the main volumes. It is a mix of 4 stories taken from the Tanpenshuu volumes, some extra manga chapters, and a store exclusive short story.


I put it to three choice because I wanted to have a winner. I didn’t wanna everyone to put all the four choice then have to repoll. But I do get your point. Choose the three best one for you. :stuck_out_tongue:


Edit : Oath under snow is the Fate Prism Illya movie :joy: (which is amazing btw)
The Rezero OVA is called Memory snow


my bad :joy: I mean both title have snow in it. Let’s say I was close enough

But I do need to look at that fate Prisma Illya movie though.

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You really should xD
Weird enough, I watched it 1 year ago before watching any Prism/Illya, and then a few weeks ago I started it and finished S1 xD (I’m a huge fate/type-moon fan who played the VNs too, but I was keeping my distance from the Prism/Illya series only)

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The anime is really good. Probabaly because I am a fate fan but I really like it. Except for a specific scene in season 2.

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I think the specific scene you’re referring might be the reason why I started it after all this time. Love me some Illya X Kuro :new_moon_with_face::upside_down_face:
Jokes aside, the main reason I started it is because it’s the happiest Illya route (yes I’m looking at you HF who has parts of the cancelled Illya route)

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It is that scene indeed. Really awkward feeling during it. At first I was finding it too girly but when I started it it was pretty fun. When I talk about it people look at me weird though :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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