Re Zero book club home thread

Starting slow while reading the first book and increasing the pace for the second book seems good to me, since it gives me time to learn much of the vocab while reading the first book :+1:


I wonder what the bookkeepers think about us strange foreigners. :sweat_smile: I walked by the same guy at least 3 times in different sections while he was putting away books


So, how long will the vote be open ?
I’m still considering my options (and now I’m finals侭 too) xD


Tbh it’s also fun in it’s own way.
Skimmimg titles in Japanese feels like a skill one should have xD
I also used to spend hours in Book-Offs searching for the books I wanted instead of asking sellers lol
Often ended up buying titles I didn’t plan on buying too :joy:
(To my defense, their 100„ section is really 揍扇 when you consider how much you’d normally pay those books )


I know we’re voting and stuff, but I can tell from now, I won’t be able to keep up with more than 20, at least at the beginning. And I know that most people haven’t attempted to really reading ReZero. Isn’t it more logical to at least make the first week be a test-drive and read a small count like 15-20, and then from there we can really decide on what’s best?

If this becomes 35 pages per week right from the start I, and probably others, definitely won’t be able to keep up with the club.

(And if we do a weighted vote, 20 takes the lead anyway)


The current weighted average is 25.35 pages. Personally, I would be fine with going with whatever the weighted average is since that does seem like the best compromise between what different people want as long as everyone can keep up with whatever the average ends up being. Also, you are definitely right that the first 2-4 weeks will be the hardest as the beginnings of books are often the most difficult. I did a quick read through the first 100 pages or so, and the first 4 pages are considerably more difficult than the rest. After that, the difficulty level kept dropping until he met Satella and then seemed to stay fairly constant. Maybe we can try the weighted average or something slightly below that for 2-4 weeks and then reconsider at that point? Anyway, just some thoughts. I agree though that ideally it would be nice to find a pace that doesn’t interfere with people who want to join in joining in. (Sorry for the ramble) :sweat_smile::turtle:


Agreed. I’ve mostly read from volumes 9-13, the difficulty there is insane. The first volume is much easier in comparison from what I’ve read, but it’s still very hard. So we can start small and ramp up as we see fit.


Probably one week. I don’t see the need to extend it longer than that.

We could do a test drive of 1-4 week if people really wants to try it out.

Do you want a test drive(slower pace) for the first 1-4 weeks?

  • yes
  • no
0 voters

How is it different? Did he up his writing game or something?

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Feels like it, I think. Feels like the more the series progresses the more expressive his style gets, more varied vocab usages. I might be wrong, maybe I just didn’t read enough of volume 1. But I clearly remember being utterly destroyed after reading some chapters of vol 13, even vowing to never read ReZero for another couple years. I haven’t felt this way in the first 2 volumes from what I skimmed (But even in English, reading the later volumes feel a bit different)

Interesting to note that for the first 3 volumes the author was just having fun, the series starts taking more shape after that.

Maybe @Killua69100 can comment on this too.


With each passing chapter/volume, the number of characters introduced increases. Tappei sensei (the author) has a thing where he switches POV without explicitely saying it, so you often have to reread a certain paragraph many times to be able to understand from whose POV each sentence was written. Additionally, the majority of the characters who appear in the later volumes like Crusch have a very weird way of talking, and each one of them is different. Though the dialogues are usually always easier to understand than the descriptive proses. And if I had to say the main thing that makes the later volumes harder, it would be the gory details.Later on (Vol.13), Tappei starts describing the gory fight scenes in even greater details than he already did previously, as even more brutal ennemies appear along the way. So yeah I guess that’s why



Not nice.

Can’t wait to learn some specialized gore vocabulary


You’ll be having a detailed course in human anatomy in Japanese. I guarantee it ^^


Well, he explains every single thing in a heightened sense not just the gore :sweat_smile:
To me, it’s more about how he describes different feelings of hopelessness, and how he can create extreme situations in very believable ways (I’m in love with his style)


Nah, I was just making a joke. I’ve already seen the anime so I have a pretty good idea of how the book is gonna go.

I mostly want to get to volume two so that my favorite girl
can get some screen time


@mrahhal Arc 4 (which ends with Vol.14) is actually all about Beako :") )
I’m nearing its end, but I’ve stopped reading recently for various reasons. Beako deserves all the love :heart:
Also they foreshadowed quite a few things about her in the Memory Snow OVA if you watched it.
You’ll get plenty of Beako later on too after Vol.14 !

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At least you’ll just have to wait until volume 2! The character I liked the best won’t show up until even later, apparently :frowning: (but who knows, maybe I’ll feel differently about the characters in the novels than I did in the anime, so who knows if they’ll even be my favourite character then)

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Who? Is it one of the queen candidates or something?


(I’m only quoting you since you were the last one in the discussion)
Could you all add spoiler tags to things that are obvious spoilers? I do not know anything about this series beyond reading the preview, and I don’t really want to know about book 14 right now.
Sorry to nitpick about that, but considering this is supposed to be a book club rather than a free for all discussion thread, I feel the usual rules should apply


Oh sorry, how do I do it?