Re Zero book club home thread

Thanks for the detailed reply. My grammar is N4, and I probably have about 3k vocab only but i’m glad the book club starts after my uni tests are over, so I will have as much time as i’d like for practice! But i’m really motivated to read the book and I will do my best!


Ok so I feel like lots of you may be struggling with this, and I feel like this app is really unkown too.

This is an OCR reading app too. Very simple to use, just hoover over the words you want anywhere on your pc screen and you’ll get the readings and meanings. It’s + is that it isn’t browser based, so you can use it offline. And it basically has a 100% accuracy rate, given that you zoom to the appropriate length. I’ve been using it so far to read the Houseki no Kuni manga and the ReZero Web Novel, and I absolutely love it. Of course it also works in-browser since it works offline too.
It also has a mode where u browse pics too or something (I don’t really use it).
This way you don’t even need to rip the epubs.
Edit : The site you linked also seems to have other super useful features too. Thanks xD

Time management ruminations

Hm, even when I’m not busy, I won’t dedicate all my free time to reading. (Mostly trying to be social and focusing on other hobbies).
If I like a book, I will go through it in a few days and then not read the rest of the week :thinking: so in theory, based on the pace at which I read stuff like 君の膵臓をたべたい, I’d say I can reach between 700 and 800 pages per week? In practice, I’ve done 400 on a couple of occasions, but never more.

When I get busy, I tend to sacrifice reading pretty much last (forum time is the one I really sacrifice last, not that I am particularly proud of that). So far, I could always manage an average of ~100 pages a week, so just below 15 pages a day even though I would never hit that specific number on a given day.

20 pages a day can be a bit challenging when I’m really busy, but once things calm down in a week or so, I should be fine until the next semester in October. Since コンビニ人間 will be over at the time, I think I can maintain speed on this book series… if I like it.
If not, I’ll probably just move on to read the rest of the 紅霞後宮物語 series :slight_smile:


I’m at 60% known. It says 839 unknown frequency 2 words.

Edit: even though I do not “know” them, a lot of the jukugo I see so far are quite obvious from their individual kanji: 手先 吐血 腹部 just to name a few.


I’ve used it before. It wasn’t able to get much but maybe that’s because I had a really bad manga scan. I guess I could try it again. Kindle and Japanese io have built in parsing + text lookup though. I guess the main reason I like the latter is because you can read the text horizontally. I’ve read a lot of novels at this point, but I still don’t like vertical text.

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In addition, there are usually quite a few words that you already know, are katakana and can be easily guessed, or are just misparses.

Since I have been somewhat hinting that I recommend people use floflo, I think its important to point out that this is especially prevalent for new users. When I started using floflo, I trashed about 50% of the words for awhile. Of course, I had learned words from the core10k and had words from visual novels added into houhou, so the exact percentage may change, but expect a decent amount to be trashed at the start.

I just say this in case some people were looking at the unknown word count and were a little discouraged. Not to say it won’t be hard, because it will be. Re:zero has the same word count and density as the current volume of oreshura im reading and I can say its definitely not something I would really recommend as a first Light Novel, but its nothing that can’t be overcome. Especially if we are moving at sub 100 pages a week.

Furthermore, comfortable reading can occur at about 80% of unique words known, so I’d have that as your goal rather than feeling like you need to learn all the words. That may seem low, but if you do it right, those remaining 20% will all be words that only occur once. Personally I learn all frequency 2+ and overlapping frequency 1 words and would recommend that method to all people interested in reading series.


True. That’s also why I don’t put in a “add whole book to lessons” button even though people keep asking.

Like, you think you want that, but no. It’d be awful.


I posted the Amazon sample to Japanese IO if anyone is interested.


Did we decide on a start date/page count for this yet? I just picked it up from my local bookshop and pretty excited to read something other than bank contracts and manuals! :joy:

Also if anyone is struggling to get a paperback copy and would prefer that to an ebook let me know since I’m happy to sort out a way of posting them out to people. The book is about ¥600 ($5.50/£4.50) here and I can’t imagine postage being that high for a small book. :slight_smile:


Sorry I have been kinda busy and forgot to put the pole whoopsies.

How many page per week would you like to read:

  • 15
  • 20
  • 25
  • 30
  • 35
0 voters

Start date will probably be July first and the page count is coming :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad to have you on board.


You’re not doing 20 per day? :disappointed_relieved:

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the choice is there you just have to pick it and convince all your “friends” to select it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Or have I misunderstood your question?

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(emphasis mine)

@icefang97 I think you misunderstood the question.




Wait… I just missed the joke completly. I was sure I made I mistake.QTID1NZ


Haha nice graphic :smiley:

Yeah, I was sure the pace was going to be somewhat outrageous, but then the fastest pace was 35 pages per week.

On that note, I spent like 10 minutes in the light novel section of this bookstore, and couldn’t find it? Is it in the 男性向け corner, do you think? Both that and the ラノベ corner had isekai books. :thinking:

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When in doubt, ask the 書店員さん :slight_smile:


I found it in the 新刊ピックアップ new releases/popular section of ライトノベル, maybe because a new volume has come out? I’m not sure but they had all of them on display instead of spine-up at my local!


Well when I asked for a pace people gave me 25 as the biggest so… But we will probably be increasing the pace for the second book :stuck_out_tongue:


… I’d thought about it. :man_shrugging: Talking to strangers makes me kind of anxious, so. Didn’t act on it.

I think I’ll try the

one more time before that…

Big plans! :smiley: I’m sure you can catch up to the new releases by the end of the year, if you try hard enough!


I know what you mean about asking strangers! Plus for me I always feel like I SHOULD be able to find something in a bookstore without asking for help since I could do that in the UK no problem, I’m kind of stubborn that way. I’m not used to books being in publisher order but I would rather search on my phone and wander around the same two/three aisles for 20 minutes before giving up and asking for it. :sweat_smile: