Question for forum mods

We don’t allow topics created specifically to promote crowdfunding campaigns like Kickstarter, GoFundMe, etc. because we had an incident a few years back where WaniKani accounts were being created specifically by content creators to push their products and look for funding on our forums. Everyone is free to discuss new products, sites, books, what have you, in other topics, and talking about resources or products you create is totally fine, we just ask that topics aren’t created just to link to sites asking for money.

We really don’t want the forums to become a place where throwaway accounts are being made for content creators to bother our users. If they want to use WaniKani, be active community members, and participate in more than just pushing their product, we have no issue. It’s awesome seeing WK members create new products and getting to watch them grow here (Bunpro, for example). The issue is when people make a topic just for solicitation that it become a problem.

Unfortunately, that’s where we had to draw the line because of how quickly we’ve seen things get out of hand. And it happens especially fast now that our forums are public. I’m sure there are some great products being crowdfunded out there. We just ask that topics about products are about discussion, information, etc. instead of “check out this link where you can give money.”


Thank you for the in-depth explanation :+1:


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