Question About the Example Sentence for 女 and 九ノ一 (Kunoichi)


I’m not sure if this is an error or not, but in the example sentence for the word “女”:

There is the word 九ノ一 (kunoichi). However, I haven’t been able to find this written in this way anywhere on the internet! Instead, I usually see it written like this: くノ一, or like this: クノイチ, or even as くのいち.

I’m wondering why the kanji for “nine” () is used here. Is this a mistake, or is there a specific reason for it?

Thank you for your help!


Well, according to this article in Japanese Wikipedia,




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That’s an explanation for the origin of the word, but as far as I can tell it’s not a standard spelling in modern Japanese. At least I don’t see it referenced in dictionaries.

It’s also a bit weird since it obfuscates the fact that くノ一 represents the strokes of 女 which is the whole point.

I suspect that the author of the sentence got a bit zealous with kanji usage, given that this is a kanji learning platform and all that.


So if I understand correctly, くノ一 comes from 九一ノ道, and the kanji was used because it is pronounced , and by combining and and , we get the kanji for ? Is that why in this example くノ一 is written with ? I wasn’t expecting such an explanation! :')
Thanks for your reply!

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く and 一 and ノ.

That said, the 九一ノ道 idea mentioned on Wikipedia is just some guy’s theory, and might just be completely out of left field.

I’m with @simias on this one - whoever typed the sentence didn’t notice their IME sneaking in an extra kanji. Something for one of the @Mods to fix.


Does your IME 変換 it to have 九?I can’t get it to do so even if I try. It would be a pretty spectacular mistake if not intentional

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No, though reportedly かつら九ノ一 is the name of an active rakugo performer from Toyonaka, Osaka Prefecture, so it’s not completely out of the realms of possibility.

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My Android IME offers it (although admittedly pretty far down the list initially).


I’ll bring this up to the team, thanks!


Hey again! The team took a look and agreed this must have been a typo. We’ve now changed the phrase so it shows く instead of 九!