Promised Neverland - Chapter 3 (Week 5-6) - Beginner Book Club

Welcome to Chapter 3 of 約束のネバーランド・The Promised Neverland!

We are reading chapter 3 in weeks 5-6 of the schedule.

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Week 5-6 October 26th 2024
Start Page 87
End Page 110
Chapters Chapter 3
Pages 24
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More fun furigana.

I quite like the subtle one on page 106. Mama asks Emma and Norman if they went to the gate 昨日きのう - implying, but not stating, that she meant yesterday evening. He replies, in complete honesty, that they were playing tag 昼間きのう - saying “yesterday” but meaning “during the day”, and thus technically not lying. Though having 決まり as the furigana for 規則 in the panel in between is a bit subtle, especially as Jisho renders them with the same translation - goo says they’re basically the same, but 規則 conveys a more rigid impression than 決まり.


So a couple weeks ago I binged up to this chapter and then burnt out (so busy at work right now, too :sob:). While I’ve started this chapter, I’m officially considering myself behind because I’ve really just been devouring the reading for the plot, and haven’t been keeping up on my grammar study :sweat_smile:


That’s fine. You’ll get much further in your studies if you are enjoying it than if you do it efficiently and quit because of burnout.


:clap: Such a neat chapter. It had one of my favourite scenes too where (spoilers ahead) ‘Mama’ appears behind Emma and starts gauging if it’s her who went to the gate. The tension in that scene and how heartbreaking it was for Emma to say all of those things about Connie to make it seem like she doesn’t know… both were so good.

:partying_face: Also also also, we’ve passed 50%! Congrats everyone who’s reading.


This is the first manga I have read and it is satisfying to be able to read, whilst painfully slowly, at least fast enough to enjoy the story. 50% is a big milestone!!


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Hehe, that’s awesome! I think it’s so important to celebrate wins like that. I still remember how satisfying it was when I finished struggling through my first manga ever, and even more so when reading became much easier that it stopped taking up hours to look up kanji :laughing:.

頑張って :muscle: it gets easier with time, and I’m glad it’s already satisfying for you hehe :blush:.

End of chapter 3

Great reveal at the end of the chapter as mama pulls back her collar to show that she too has a number on her neck. 生き残るのは私よ…!!

So much more yet to be revealed, but the pacing is great so far. The tension in this chapter was really enjoyable, especially the scene with Emma trying to act normal in front of mama.


Felt like I was holding my breath for the last half of this chapter. :sweat_smile:


Don’t do that. Oxygen deprivation makes it really hard to read. :stuck_out_tongue:


How did you interpret the 判る s in the chapter given the kanji? Is there a nuance in there?


判る is to understand by means of deciphering something or making a judgement call. Google results (like this one) generally use a bunch of jukuji that also start with 判 in order to define it, like 判明 or 判別 or 判読 or 判断.

End of chapter 3

Ikr I was gobsmacked at the reveal!



I guess this is the answer to how she became the farmer. She was the child who survived at any cost. I wonder if there is any humanity left in her.
I thought perhaps her face looked sad when the demon directed her to get rid of little bunny. But perhaps she was puzzling over how it got under the truck.

End of Chapter 3 Reveal

So I was actually not surprised at the reveal, and that’s because I have a physical copy of the book :eyes:

If you remove the outer cover, the inner cover shows an orphan with a “My Number” who looks suspiciously like ママ. I hadn’t meant to discover that, I had misread someone’s recommendation to look at the movie poster to looking closer at the book cover so that’s what I did :sweat_smile:

I think that the reveal and the cover are showing different parts of the number so I can’t confirm it’s really her though.


On to week 7 and chapter 4!


Both the inside cover and the chapter show the entire number. And if you turn over the page, so does the interstice page between the chapters. :stuck_out_tongue:

End of chapter 3 Reveal


I have the physical book also and I haven’t looked under the dust jacket until after I read your comment!

I think you are correct though.


Now I want the physical book.