Promised Neverland Chapter 6 (Wk 9) - Beginner Book Club

Welcome to Week 9 of 約束のネバーランド・The Promised Neverland!

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Week 9 Nov 22nd 2024
Start Page 151
End Page 170
Chapters Chapter 6
Pages 20
Last week Chapter 5
Next week Chapter 7
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I have a fever so I really struggled this week but I am still here.


I love how Don’s レイの真似 is reading Baby’s First ABC, and not, ya know, The Mechanical Engineering and Human History.

p168 question

On p168 when Isabella tells Krone the secret is known. Krone responds to say according to the rules if those involved can’t be found then immediate shipment.

I interpreted immediate shipment to mean that if the secret was not contained very quickly then all the children at that farm were to be shipped for immediate consumption. :exploding_head:

So a scorched earth policy. Was I correct?

This is such a good book full of shocking revelations but that was still shocking. I love how Isabella tells Krone to wait as she does not want her own position built at such cost to be burned down with a failed farm.


I’m pretty sure that’s the idea, yes

I’m here, ready to make the transcriptions, but those were a thing for one or two chapters and now they are gone again.


It’s only the kids who know the secret who need to be shipped, and Mama is pretty sure she knows who they are.


Tiny children, with tiny detailed shoes.

163 grammar

What’s with the といい here? I only know といい as “I hope” but I don’t really get that meaning here.


OK, that is less draconian. But then why does Mama take the risk of delaying shipment? I feel I must have missed something there.


She’s still trying to avoid upper management discovering that some kids discovered The Secret on her watch, which is what’d happen if she shipped them early. Their already-scheduled shipping date is their next birthday, since they’ll be hitting the upper limit of the tasty age range, so it’s less a matter of “I’ll take care of it, so don’t ship them” and more “they’re gonna be shipped soon anyway, so the problem will take care of itself”.


JLPT N1 Grammar: といい~といい (to ii~to ii) Meaning –

Essentially “first the x and now y”


Perfect, thanks!


I love the logical thinking of the children. The way they bounce around ideas, and deduce information from what they know. I feel like Ray needs a beard so he can stroke it while he’s thinking.

However, they have a tough new enemy on their hands. According to Isabella on page 167, sister Krone also used to get full scores on her tests. We even get a little flash back image of her as a child - presumably when she was an “orphan” on a farm.


OK. That makes sense. Thanks so much.

And that makes sense for the later large monologue by Krone about ‘tripping’ her up.


I had to go back and find that flash back. I missed it first time. I had thought Mama was the only student turned farmer but clearly at least some if not all of the Mamas are former students.


I missed it first time too. It’s not explicit whether it’s just a picture of her as a child, or Isabella’s memory of her as a child, i.e. were Isabella and Krone on a farm together as children.

So much to learn about the outside society yet. We didn’t really learn anything new apart from that Krone was on a farm as a child and got full scores. Lots of good speculation though.

We did get to see the scores for some of the other children. Don is nowhere near as high as some of his peers, although perhaps we got some insight into that from his choice of reading matter under the tree!


He’s only seven points behind Gilda, who’s the one in the lead after the フルスコア trio.


The anime OST really captures them with their main themes, especially Emma’s and Norman’s

Obviously since there is a lot of mystery in this series, beware of youtube comments, and definitely don’t look up other track names.


This is exactly my mood right now.


It’s that time of the year in the UK at least where everyone is ill! Hope all our feverish bookclub members feel better soon. Looks like we will have a week break before vol 2, and a week break over Christmas period so not too many chapters to read in the next few weeks!


Caught up. Will be reading along the club from now on. Btw shouldn’t the end date for the book be on 7th?

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