Promised Neverland - Week 7 (Chapter 4) - Beginner Book Club

Welcome to Week 7 of 約束のネバーランド・The Promised Neverland!

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Week 7 Nov 9th 2024
Start Page 111
End Page 130
Chapters Chapter 4
Pages 20
Last week Chapter 3
Next week Chapter 5
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handwritten text transcription

p118 top right:


The page with the drafts on it doesn’t have nearly high enough resolution for me to want to attempt this…

End of week spoilers

Was this the first time we heard that it was 2045 in the story? (Or did I misread something?)


Nah, there was a calendar on the wall back in chapter 1 which reveals that Conny’s “adoption” date was October 12th, 2045. Page, uh, 59.

There’s another calendar on the final panel of last week’s reading which also gives the year as 2045.


Me and my attentiveness

Spoilers for this week

Ray took things entirely in his stride. Some nice world building and lore this time too. Yet to have a chapter not chill me in some way.

Thanks for this.

I read it as Ray had worked out it must be about 2045 but I couldn’t work out where he got the year from. That clears it up.

End of Ch4 Interstices Question

Is this page esp the last panel about Emma, Norman and Ray have always worked together to solve problems - opening a jar in this case - or is there something more?


I must admit I’d just seen this page as sharing some of the early concept art rather than contributing to the story. Having said that I don’t think I’d looked at that bottom panel properly, I like how Emma gets the jar open when the boys couldn’t!


She is the brawn of the bunch, after all. And also the heart. The other two are the brains.


She is the brawn of the bunch, after all. And also the heart. The other two are the brains.

Yes, whilst Ray was quick to get on board with the secret, he was also quick to figure the calculus of survival and write off most of his fellow students to the 鬼. I’d like to know there was an Emma fighting for me as well as a Ray.
Edit: Ray not Ron (yes, too much Harry Potter)


I think you might be mixing up two characters there (Ray and Don) to create a new one - Ron!

That got me thinking though, if Emma had a baby it might look a bit like this…


The real question is, if Ray is Ron, then does it go Emma=Hermione and Norman=Harry, or are they the other way around?


Week 8 - chapter 5 - is up!


Thanks, yes, too much Harry Potter for me clearly.


I’m going for Ray as Harry (dark and brooding), Emma as Ron (purely on the red hair), leaving Norman as Hermione (he’s worried about being eaten by monsters, or even worse getting expelled!).

I’m also picking up chemistry between Norman and Emma…


Ohh, to add on to this, Norman is also the only one to know Alohomora; even for being so rule abiding he knows how to scurry around when the time calls!

Ok I actually kept meaning to ask if Norman saying 好きだから was an actual love profession? In the English version it’s not translated that way, but I thought 好き was often used in this way in Japanese, especially at younger ages…


I’m not sure, I read it as more ambiguous