Progress Overview

After being inspired by the wallpaper generator, I sat down and wrote a little tool to generate some kind of progress overview. It generates a picture with one column for each level, and in each column boxes for each srs state (apprentice, guru, …) with all the kanji and vocabulary. I will clean up the code in the next days, fix a few small bugs (box title not appearing for very first box for example), add a few flags and then upload the whole thing.

Edit: repository is now live at
Edit 2: Go to{your key} and replace {your key} with…well…your key

rootnode said... (box title not appearing for very first box for example)
Indexes start at zero! ;)
piderman said...
rootnode said... (box title not appearing for very first box for example)
Indexes start at zero! ;)
 I know. It's the same code for every column. Still trying to figure out why then the first box in the first column has no title.

Given the abundant and varied programmers that seem to be on WK if you’re having issues with it and you can’t track it down ask for help.
Just post your repo and I’m sure someone will hook you up. :slight_smile:

Cool! Would like to see the madness for those who are level >25!

Ok, issue is resolved (kinda hacky, but resolved). Plus I’ve added flags. And here’s the repository

Written in GO cool !

greedence said... Written in GO cool !
Yeah, I needed a small project to toy around with Go. It's not using any of Go's strong features, but it was nice playing around with it.

Installed, works except for one bug that I see.

Burned items don’t seem to show up correctly.

acalewin said... Installed, works except for one bug that I see.

Burned items don't seem to show up correctly.

 It's fixed now. That's what I get for blindly importing the colors from the wallpaper generator :D

But did you cut off the right end of the picture? Because I only count 16 columns and your profile states that you are level 20. 
rootnode said...
acalewin said... Installed, works except for one bug that I see.

Burned items don't seem to show up correctly.

 It's fixed now. That's what I get for blindly importing the colors from the wallpaper generator :D

But did you cut off the right end of the picture? Because I only count 16 columns and your profile states that you are level 20. 
 Err.... no. I didn't do any manipulation to the image.  Just tried again, and probably got the same result.  Updated my copy of the repo just to be safe.

┌─[acalewin@reimu] - [~/git-repos/wanikanivis] - [2013-04-03 06:24:20]
└─[$] git fetch
remote: Counting objects: 5, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1/1), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 2), reused 3 (delta 2)
Unpacking objects: 100% (3/3), done.
From git://
   0a16465..6b658c9  master     -> origin/master
┌─[acalewin@reimu] - [~/git-repos/wanikanivis] - [2013-04-03 06:24:58]
└─[$] go build
┌─[acalewin@reimu] - [~/git-repos/wanikanivis] - [2013-04-03 06:25:04]
└─[$] ./wanikanivis -output="progress.png" -key="282c6cb990d63b36d347e24609157d4f"
┌─[acalewin@reimu] - [~/git-repos/wanikanivis] - [2013-04-03 06:25:35]
└─[$] scp  progress.png
progress.png                                                                                                                                                                                  100% 1496KB   1.5MB/s   00:00

Huh…interesting. Will have to look into it. I hate testing blind, that’s gonna be fun.

rootnode said... Huh...interesting. Will have to look into it. I hate testing blind, that's gonna be fun.
 If you promise to be gentle, use my API key to test.

Ok, should be fixed now

I’d be really interested in using this, but I don’t know how…
I downloaded the repository from Github, do I need to get a particular software to run the main file that’s in the folder ?

Tortugannanas said... I'd be really interested in using this, but I don't know how...
I downloaded the repository from Github, do I need to get a particular software to run the main file that's in the folder ?
 You'll need Go ( ), mercurial (to use 'go get') ( ),  and freetype-go ( ). I think that's all I needed, unless I had a bunch of stuff already installed.

The steps to build and run it are:

go get <a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=""></a><br> go build
$ ./wanikanivis --key {your key here}

acalewin: could you test it once more so that I can see if the burned colors are correct now and that the width is now as it should be?

Looks good since the last time I updated the repo (about an hour ago)

acalewin said... Looks good since the last time I updated the repo (about an hour ago)

 Nice. Thank you.

@Tortugannanas: I'm putting together a very small webapp where you can generate the picture soon.