[Web] 鰐蟹取材 - yet another WK progress app - DOWN

Where to find ithttps://wanikani-shuzai.herokuapp.com/?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY


  • basic user info (Level / Member since / Average level in days / Apprentice item count / Guru item count / Master item count / Enlightened item count / Burned item count / Lessons available / Reviews available / Next review date / Reviews next day)
  • level progression table with level start dates and durations
  • kanji list by srs category
  • vocab list by srs category
  • jlpt progress
  • newspaper frequency progress
  • shareable link (the api is read only, so sharing you api key is not a risk)
  • button for taking screenshots & uploading them to imgur
  • minimalistic look and feel :stuck_out_tongue:
More to come:
  • proper handling of (later) levels without radicals (if someone can lend me an api key this will be much easier)
  • calculate levelup time
  • progress estimation
  • fancy barchart for level progress
  • maybe some more styling, but I’m very bad at that
Compatibility: tested only in latest chrome.

About the screenshot button:
Be patient with this one (especially with the big pages), it’s an experimental library right now. 

Reporting errors:
Please provide an api key because otherwise I have a very hard time reproducing/fixing the big. (I won’t do anything bad with it, I promise, I’ll just grab your creditcard data :P)

NIce :slight_smile: Though it doesnt work atm at least for me.

Internal Server Error

undefined method `’ for nil:NilClass

WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/2.2.0/2014-12-25) at

Maybe I screwed up somewhere but I put my API key into the URL and…

Gimme an api key pls so I can reproduce it…

I’m getting the same error as poster above…

It works for me, and I like it so far :slight_smile:
A few things to note:
As a disclaimer: I’m using Firefox, recent version.
1) The “screenshot”-button overlaps with some of the lists for me (namely “Vocab SRS”, “JLPT” and “Frequency”).
 2) The “screenshot”-button seems broken. My CPU-usages will go up incredibly (one of the cores will be locked at 100%) and the tab will not respond anymore. I was forced to close it after some time. It didn’t take a screenshot as well (I’m not really sure, what’s supposed to happen anyway :D)
3) The “next review time”: A few things: I’m not sure what you get from the api, but in wanikani it also shows minutes and stuff. In wanikani it says next review at 16:15 (GMT+0200) while your site says 14:00+0000. I get that the two hour difference comes from the different timezone (could you maybe grab the users timezone and show it in that timezone?) but the 15 minutes off still seems strange.
4) Could you add a Average over the last few levels-number? Just so I wont always be sad about my big break  ;( 

tomboy said... Gimme an api key pls so I can reproduce it...

Merry xmas.
sumsum said... It works for me, and I like it so far :)
A few things to note:
As a disclaimer: I'm using Firefox, recent version.
1) The "screenshot"-button overlaps with some of the lists for me (namely "Vocab SRS", "JLPT" and "Frequency").
 2) The "screenshot"-button seems broken. My CPU-usages will go up incredibly (one of the cores will be locked at 100%) and the tab will not respond anymore. I was forced to close it after some time. It didn't take a screenshot as well (I'm not really sure, what's supposed to happen anyway :D)
3) The "next review time": A few things: I'm not sure what you get from the api, but in wanikani it also shows minutes and stuff. In wanikani it says next review at 16:15 (GMT+0200) while your site says 14:00. I can get that the two hour difference comes from the different timezone (could you maybe grab the users timezone and show it in that timezone?) but the 15 minutes off still seems strange.
4) Could you add a Average over the last few levels-number? Just so I wont always be sad about my big break  ;( 
 I'll take a look at the firefox issues.
Next review time: the api requests are cached, maybe that's why, I'll look into it.
I'm not planning to do anything with timezones right now, maybe sometimes later in the future.
Average over the last few levels / skipping the very extremes is planned as a part of the level estimation.
Kaimera said...
tomboy said... Gimme an api key pls so I can reproduce it...

Merry xmas.
Check again please :) 

My issue is still present. Method is ‘chars’ rather than ‘’.


Same internal server error ;(

The screenshot thingy seems to work for me in Chrome (though it is rather blurry) (see https://i.imgur.com/ybiljqJ.png )

edit: in case someone wants to take a look, here’s my api-key: https://wanikani-shuzai.herokuapp.com/?api_key=8278d362f2d9015b008fcb1ac7650892
Just don’t laugh at my leveling speed :smiley:

Internal Server Error

undefined method `chars' for nil:NilClass


tomboy said...
Kaimera said...
tomboy said... Gimme an api key pls so I can reproduce it...

Merry xmas.
Check again please :) 

Instructions unclear.
Takaikioi said... My issue is still present. Method is 'chars' rather than '[]'.

Try now (& clear the session / cookies beforehand). 
MadDragon1846 said... Same internal server error ;(
 Mine seems to be working now. Thanks! ^^
MadDragon1846 said... Same internal server error ;(
 Mine seems to be working now. Thanks! ^^
Kaimera said...
tomboy said...
Kaimera said...
tomboy said... Gimme an api key pls so I can reproduce it...

Merry xmas.
Check again please :) 

Instructions unclear.
 Now it seems to work O_o

Edit: Stats seem wrong. I've certainly not burned 4k on WK, it's around 200. Have a feeling it's dumping unlearned items there.
The formatting is pretty neat, though the screenshot button does get overlapped with the Kanji (when in firefox).

@MadDragon1846 @Kwami @Kaimera @Takaikioi : clear the session / cookies associated with the site and try again, hopefully it will be good now.

Worked like a charm. Excellent job.