WaniKani Progress Video [Request More Info]

I’ve been taking screen shots of my progress every couple of days using DanielB's Wallpaper Generator HERE .

I’d like to compile these into a video that I can show off one day once I complete WaniKani.  Here is a sample of what I have so far.


It makes a nice screensaver or active desktop background, but unfortunately I didn’t start doing this at the beginning and have some slides missing.

Is there a way to retroactively request information from the API on Kanji completion status? Is anyone interested in compiling something that can automate this at different time intervals/levels?

I’ve found it amusing to continue toying with, just thought I’d share.

Erk - now I feel a little bad - All those red characters are errors in the script! I’ve corrected the issue now, though. 3:

Cool use though :smiley:

I love the idea of this video !!! I’ll do the same but starting from now on, so level 3…

This is a wonderful idea, and nice video! I wrote some javascript to generate 1080p .png’s of Daniel’s wallpaper automatically.

I’m looking at the best way to package this so that it’s easy to set up and runs in the background a couple times a day. I’ll get back to you on that, but in the mean time anyone can run it from the source code (and even schedule your own cron job to automate the task) if you’re up to that.

Fair warning this is not the simplest thing to do:

  • Download and install PhantomJS (used to render .pngs from the generated wallpaper)
  • Download and unzip WKTimelapse to your computer
  • Open up “wallpaper.js” in a text editor and edit your API key into the second line
  • From the command line, run “phantomjs render.js”
If all went well, a 1920x1080 wallpaper .png (named by timestamp to ensure ascending order), will appear in the WKTimelapse folder.

DanielB said... Erk - now I feel a little bad - All those red characters are errors in the script! I've corrected the issue now, though. 3:

Cool use though :D
 D'oh! In all seriousness though thank you for hosting the script for us to use I love it!

kiko said... This is a wonderful idea, and nice video! I wrote some javascript to generate 1080p .png's of Daniel's wallpaper automatically.

I'm looking at the best way to package this so that it's easy to set up and runs in the background a couple times a day. I'll get back to you on that, but in the mean time anyone can run it from the source code (and even schedule your own cron job to automate the task) if you're up to that.

Fair warning this is not the simplest thing to do:
  • Download and install PhantomJS (used to render .pngs from the generated wallpaper)
  • Download and unzip WKTimelapse to your computer
  • Open up "wallpaper.js" in a text editor and edit your API key into the second line
  • From the command line, run "phantomjs render.js"
If all went well, a 1920x1080 wallpaper .png (named by timestamp to ensure ascending order), will appear in the WKTimelapse folder.
 Any idea how to run this in OSX? I did a google search and came up with using the following command in terminal but then I get the following error:

I have both of the downloads you provided saved in a dedicated folder on my desktop.

Having issues with this one too. And I considered myself savvy with this stuff since I program PLCs at work. Fail =-(


For OS X it’s fairly straightforward. If you place the phantomjs executable (it’s inside the bin folder), inside the WKTimelapse folder, then you can run it with the following commands in Terminal.app:

cd [drag the WKTimelapse folder onto the Terminal window]

Press enter

./phantomjs render.js

Press enter

That’s off the top of my head but should be right. Should also work on Linux, and Windows you might be able to do it just by running phantomjs.exe. I’ll be home later to look into this some more. 

Got it to work thanks a ton!

Does that kind of Wallpaper Generator exists for vocabulary as well ? 

Hmm, the order of those Kanji and Radicals looks strangely familiar. At first glance, it almost seems to resemble Heisig’s order. I don’t think this is a coincidence.

That’s probably my fault. When I started work on the original wallpaper generator I was trying to replicate the kanji poster I have on my wall. That poster happened to be ordered according to heisig, so that’s what I stuck with.

kiko said... @Maestrohuber
For OS X it's fairly straightforward. If you place the phantomjs executable (it's inside the bin folder), inside the WKTimelapse folder, then you can run it with the following commands in Terminal.app:

cd [drag the WKTimelapse folder onto the Terminal window]
Press enter
./phantomjs render.js
Press enter

That's off the top of my head but should be right. Should also work on Linux, and Windows you might be able to do it just by running phantomjs.exe. I'll be home later to look into this some more.
 It says "No such file or directory" if I drag the folder into the Terminal window.

After you download the two files.
1.) Place the phantomjs executable in the WKTimelapse folder.
2.) Open Terminal and type:   'cd ’ (note the space after cd) Then drag the WKTimelapse folder into Terminal
3.) Hit Enter.  You should now see:      'yourcomputernamehere:WKTimelapse yourusernamehere$ ’ on the next line.
4.) On this new line type ‘./phantomjs render.js’
5.) Hit Enter.  You should have the .png generate in your WKTimelapse folder.

If that doesn’t work I believe you can also use the ‘~’ to show your home directory and browse for the directory that way.

Maestrohuber said... After you download the two files.
1.) Place the phantomjs executable in the WKTimelapse folder.
2.) Open Terminal and type:   'cd ' (note the space after cd) Then drag the WKTimelapse folder into Terminal
3.) Hit Enter.  You should now see:      'yourcomputernamehere:WKTimelapse yourusernamehere$ ' on the next line.
4.) On this new line type './phantomjs render.js'
5.) Hit Enter.  You should have the .png generate in your WKTimelapse folder.

If that doesn't work I believe you can also use the '~' to show your home directory and browse for the directory that way.

 Ah! Now it works! Thank you very much for this more detailed description!

Does anyone still have the “WKTimelapse” folder and could maybe re-upload it somewhere?
I’d be interested to try this little tool, but kiko’s site seems to be down… :confused:

WKTimelapse guys, anyone got it?

HERE: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8086377/WKTimelapse.zip

Just remember to edit the wallpaper.js file with your API key before you use it.

After the new API update I’m receiving the following error when running the phantom.js script. Any ideas?

Has anyone gotten this to work?