The old thread was archived so I figured I’d make a new one!
What is J-CAT
J-CAT stands for Japanese Computerized Adaptive Tests and is a short 30-60 minute multiple answer test. It is meant to gauge your ability in Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar, and Reading. It’s a good way to see where you are at in your studies, and it’s completely free! (unlike the JLPT)
You might have to wait a few days to get your password after signing up, this is normal.
Here is the summary from the previous thread
This is an online, around 30 - 45 minute test with 20 listening questions, 5 vocabulary questions, 13 reading questions, and 10 (I think) grammar questions that measures your overall Japanese level. You can take the test once every six months, so be ready for it!
They also provide a helpful little table showing what JLPT level your score translates to.
If you’ve done the test, what do you think about it? Post your scores! If you don’t have a score, registration is easy and the test is very quick!
Sign up here and post your results when you finish!
J-CAT to JLPT score conversion
As you see in the conversion table below it requires less than 100/400 points to qualify for the previous JLPT Level 4 (~N5), so if you’re considering taking N4 or N5 try this test and see how you place; maybe you’re further ahead than you thought.
My score
I guess I’ll go first in this new thread.
I just took the test myself for the first time a few days ago and these are what my scores look like.
Wanted to see if it would deem me ready for N3, which I’m taking in July. Did alright, I think. Apparently my listening skills are way better than they need to be (if I had 65 in all categories I’d have 260 which is N1 territory!). The other scores are pretty even, which is nice.
It was quite stressful, though. If you’re not a fast reader you should be ready to hurry through a few questions.
When you passed the given JLPT level what was your most recent J-CAT score?
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What score did you get?
- 0-50
- 50-100
- 100-150
- 150-200
- 200-250
- 250-300
- 300-350
- 350-400