That’s great to hear!
Haha, I’m still slow at Katakana too… but that’s more because I’m trying desperately to figure out how the Japanese tried to make our English (or sometimes French or German) words sound “Japanese”…
Because yeah, sometimes it’s that different pronunciation that throws me off, even though I can read the characters themselves… ^_^;
Particles are difficult! Nihongonomori’s videos on (basic) particles was pretty helpful for me… It’s probably not enough, but hopefully will clear up a few things for you? (Videos 1,3,4,5,6 on that playlist.)
@rfindley - Ah… Yes I have seen that title before. It just seems a mouthful.
@jomteon - oh yeah, you were basically doing a classic Tokaido! (There’s a game about the pilgrimage between Tokyo and Kyoto. : D It’s fun.)
Hm… let’s see if I can find that… This is the thread to which I was referring: Post your J-CAT score! and this is where you can download N5 and N4 and other JLPT practice exams (as PDFs) for free:
The other links are in the top of the J-CAT thread. Since I’m not doing any of the work with Genki, and really only reading the grammar points (and the dialogue at the beginning of the chapters to the best of my ability, then checking what I thought it meant versus the translation a page or two later), I think it’d be good to test myself. Not sure if I’m going to try and do it in the allotted times, or just work through it like a workbook. We’ll see how gung-ho I feel when I get there.
Moving on to Lesson 8 today…