And making yourself conjugate it in your head during the lessons is very good practice.
Is that the whole universe of sneaky verbs? I never really looked into it.
Assuming this is correct:
It looks like 10 total if you include する, くる.
Edit: Bad link! You screwed me!
Whoa. If that’s it, life just got slightly better. Thanks!
Well, I guess it’s actually larger if you include the slangy verbs like スタバる. But you’ll likely be able to notice those as exceptional verbs. So I still wouldn’t worry about it much. You can brute force the ones you’ll see most often in no time if you really needed to.
Also, it might help to remember than ichidan verbs are a closed set - that is, new words are never ichidan anymore. So any new slang words are always godan. This might change as the language evolves, but currently this is the rule.
Yeah, plus since you’re already going super casual and slangy anyway, I’m guessing it’s much less of an issue if you screw them up anyway.
There are plenty more. I think those are just the most common.
But it would be convenient if you could also CHECK the conjugations you do in your head.
Here are some more I found:
i don’t see the purpose in adding conjugations at all. with the exception of maybe two or three dozen or so verbs i’m in principle able to conjugate every verb just looking at it’s dictionary form, given i know how to pronounce the kanji. no need to add te- and masu-form.
maybe a bit out of left field but since this thread seems also to be about the weird way japanese verbs are categorized when being taught, here’s the author from “japanese from zero” with his own classification he made up, which i work by myself and i think makes just a bit more sense.
But since there would only be two conjugations in your system, how does that really help?
You can, using a dictionary. has a “show inflections” link that will list most of the conjugations of any particular verb. Wanikani wasn’t designed for verb conjugation drills.
That’s a good point - I would want causative, passive, and the dreaded causative-passive too lol.
Hehe, I knew the list had to have been too good to be true at that low amount. That’s why I made sure to hedge… That’s what I get for using the first hit I see…
I personally don’t think adding te and masu for to WK is useful but I want to draw your attention to user scripts.
If you feel motivated you can create a script that will conjugate the verb and display it to you. There’s plenty of user scripts draw inspiration from.
Specifically this I guess you’re trying to point them to?
No. Ichidan vs Godan you do not need to know immediately.
If you are reading anything its obvious from whats on the paper, if you are writing you can look it up.
If you are speaking you are either at a level were you know it anyway or you have other problems
that will drown out any small mistake in a single word.
By the time youd want to actively use the words that arent obvious from the rules, the few ambigious ones arent a big deal anymore.
I understand what you are proposing. Its still information that you do not need at this point.
If you are memorizing which verb is ichidan or godan (maybe even with brute-force) you are wasting your time.
Your list is definitely more useful, though. I don’t know how often I will need to correctly conjugate “to undulate” and “to rise from the dead”. Hopefully not in the same sentence, anyway.
Hahahahaha. Yeah, one would hope not.