Please add te- and masu- forms to vocab verbs

I like the point he makes, but I find his way of presenting a bit too rambling and at times annoying. :sweat_smile:


yeah, he has a lot of personality, let’s say :laughing: it’s what happens when you make lessons through live streaming them, i guess. i’m used to it by now and i stuck with him and his books, because his approach to japanese makes the most sense to me. especially how he deals with verbs.

and, well, thanks to that for me the issue of adding conjugation forms to WK never even arose. in fact, in the opposite, i use every new verb as a small conjugation training in my mind and wouldn’t want that spoiled.


He reminds me of my maintenance guy that comes by every month. Everything works well, but I have to listen a good 20 minutes of conspiracy theories before I can get him out the door.


to be fair this is quite a special video where he explains himself excessively. the rest of the course is a lot more focused.

i did post the video with a timestamp though, i hope that worked ^^


I haven’t watched this one yet, but I’ve seen his videos a few years back. He just rubs me the wrong way. A lot of meandering English for a Japanese lesson.

I vaguely remember one older video where he returned to his small town in Japan where he grew up and no one was happy to see him. That about summed up my impression of him.


i somehow understand but don’t relate :laughing:


Thanks for the suggestion.
Would a userscript also work on mobile? (Because let’s be honest, that’s where I’ll be doing most of my reviews.)

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I use user scripts on mobile in Firefox browser. They work just like on desktop. Unfortunately, you can’t use user scripts on iOS, so if you have an iPhone, that’s not an option.


蘇る shows up surprisingly often when reading (it can also be used for recalling memories). Of course, when you’re reading, knowing if the verb is ichidan or godan is moot since the author is doing all the work for you.


Others have mentioned scripts. Looks like your screenshots are from a desktop.

When I review, I have a script that opens the details for me automatically so I can check the synonyms and the info. So it is indeed that easy to access the info. Just use scripts to customise your experience. I do have to press enter twice but to me it’s worth it.

tbh, I hardly noticed the details for the verbs. nouns, adjectives at first. I got WK to learn kanji. It’s already a lot to process going one level per week - 10 days.

That said, I also use scripts that add extra info when I’m learning or reviewing and maybe for you, the verb forms would be the extra bits you want to see. I like to see the stroke order and the pitch info. I like to know what level the words are too. But not everyone wants to see these because they are not essential, like the verb forms.

My lessons look like this

And my reviews look like this as soon as I enter my answer

Some people here have written incredible scripts to enhance WK. I can’t imagine studying without them.

Maybe you can write one too?

I only review on mobile as well, and probably would not have started WK without Tsurukame. I recommend trying it out.

You could say it keeps resurrecting itself :laughing:

Sorry, I couldn’t resist

Yeah, I was going to suggest a userscript as well but I couldn’t find one that does exactly what you’re looking for.

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What’s the point of challenging someone to do something while providing less information to them than WaniKani provides? If those were all WaniKani words, then when you learned them you’d be given all the information you need to conjugate them.


laughs in redundant -suru items


I didn’t notice that before, extremely useful! That alone made it worth reading this whole thread :rofl:

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I just treat them all like verbing a noun and call it a day. :wink:

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