Override script for skipping the typing altogether?

Is there an override script for WaniKani that just allows you to essentially just skip items? Having recently started adding vocabulary on Anki as well (I did RTK+Koohii so the pace of Wanikani is a bit slow and I wouldn’t be benefitting from having even gone through the book in the first place just sticking to Wanikani), I’m familiar with a lot of the stuff that WaniKani teaches. I’ve been actually contemplating whether to just cancel my subscription because WaniKani doesn’t offer me much value anymore, but I would like to keep reviewing stuff that I have learned (there are quite a few items that I have don’t have added on Anki because I learned them in WK). The problem is I’m going to likely end up wasting a lot of time just reviewing stuff I’ve already added on Anki, which I don’t think is worth it in the long run - this kind of script would allow for me to skip those items and focus on the stuff I actually need to review.


It would probably be cheaper to make a list of the terms you want to study that you only learned on WK and then make your own anki deck of them. With RTK and Koohii I can’t imagine that you have that many terms?

Alternatively, JLPT decks might be an easy and free way to get a lot of the vocab and kanji.


Thank you for the response!

I guess that’s a no in terms of my question then? Like I said, I’ve definitely considered just ending my WK subscription, but manually adding everything I’ve learned here (well, the items I want to revise anyway) to Anki sounds like a huge pain in the ass :upside_down_face: to the point where I would rather just continue paying for WK for a while until I get those items burnt at the very least - assuming I would find a time-efficient way to do those reviews, that is. the problem with the JLPT decks is that I already have my own mining deck which already has about 3000 items; pretty much from all JLPT levels (even N1), which I add vocabulary to as I do my kanji reviews on Koohii. I suppose I could still go through the N2 and N1 decks though; just for a sense of completion (as I’m sure there are gaps in my vocabulary with how I’ve been studying vocab).


I believe there is an anki style script, but I’m not familiar with it. The closest to a skip that I’ve heard of is entering a single letter as a synonym and then entering that. Although it doesn’t help with readings I’d think. I stopped using WK months ago and switched to Renshuu.org. I think there are also ways of exporting your data and current progress. I’m not very familiar with them either but I’ve heard people talk about it a bunch. It still wouldn’t split up the items between the ones you want and repeated ones though.

What’s your overall goal? If it’s just to read Japanese, then news or light novel frequency lists might be better than WK since most of the vocab is still incidental to teaching kanji and not necessarily common.

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I don’t know if reviews on a computer are a must but if it’s an option, any of the 3rd party mobile apps let you review anki style

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You could use the Anki Script and then just click if you know or dont know it.

I use an iPhone app called Tsurukame that has an “Anki Mode” which essentially lets me run through the items like flash cards rather than having to type things out one by one. Going through the first few levels again has been kind of mind-numbing and I end up only getting things wrong because of typos when I’m trying to rush things too much.

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Hmm, first time hearing of this website; how are you finding it? Anki has been working really well for me personally because I’ve already built up a base with RTK (I know there are lots of differing opinions on RTK but it’s been a heaven-sent for me).

As for my goal; I don’t really have anything specific in mind - I am looking to achieve near-fluency in terms of both input and output (I want to be able to converse with friends!) some day, but I’m not really in a rush…

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In that case, may I recommend adding in reading and conversation? I think they’d help more than SRS at this point. Are these friends that you already have? If not, I recommend HelloTalk or an app like it.

Yeah, I really like it! I was relying too much on WK as a crutch (like if I only used WK I used to consider myself as having studied Japanese that day, but nowadays I don’t consider just studying kanji to be studying Japanese) and Renshuu helps me study more holistically. Like there’s grammar, kanji, and vocab srs along with output encouragement in the form of a weekly (maybe twice weekly?) question, haiku center, and word garden (make a sentence using the theme word).

Also, when learning kanji, the various radicals are often different colors which has helped me break down kanji better. Like :frog: is bug ground/ground vs with WK, kanji was mostly a whole picture in my mind aside from the phonetic component of a kanji, but then I would just remember the phonetic component and the overall shape.

Seeing vocab in context of a sentence when it comes to grammar has helped too. I think most of the Renshuu origin sentences are native sentences. Like words with similar English meanings but different uses in Japanese make more sense from seeing them in context. Reading’s also helped a lot with that, but I finally feel like I can get the grammar practice that I needed from the start of my journey and conveniently it also helps make up for the pitfall of studying words in isolation.

I always used anki mode, it’s a time saver.

I have Tsukurukame on my ipad, too, but haven’t used it because typing on my iPad is a pain compared to my laptop’s keyboard. And I didn’t want to switch to Anki mode, because I felt actually typing might help burn things into memory better than just flipping through. But I am also getting frustrated at having things drop back down to apprentice just because of a typo. Maybe I’ll start using Tsurukame again.

In that case, may I recommend adding in reading and conversation? I think they’d help more than SRS at this point. Are these friends that you already have? If not, I recommend HelloTalk or an app like it.

I’m actually in Japan right now, as an exchange student (I go to a Japanese high school!) - so yeah, I do obviously use the language on the daily :upside_down_face:. Despite being pretty much fully immersed, I do find SRS to be really useful - while I am learning vocabulary passively as well, by just conversing with natives, having an SRS like Anki allows me to speed up the process immensely; I might be focusing a bit too much on vocabulary at the moment as I’m adding about 100 words/day while I do my kanji reviews (basically adding everything that’s marked with JLPT tags on jisho.org) - but this approach seems to be working quite well for me personally. I haven’t looked into HelloTalk but it seems really useful! Have heard that it can be a bit tough navigating with a lot of creeps around :melting_face:

Yeah, I really like it! I was relying too much on WK as a crutch (like if I only used WK I used to consider myself as having studied Japanese that day, but nowadays I don’t consider just studying kanji to be studying Japanese) and Renshuu helps me study more holistically. Like there’s grammar, kanji, and vocab srs along with output encouragement in the form of a weekly (maybe twice weekly?) question, haiku center, and word garden (make a sentence using the theme word).

Sounds interesting! Wish I had tried it a bit earlier on, as I don’t think there’s much use in switching now with how well other methods are working out for me - there’s definitely a lot of stuff that I look back on now and regret not doing or not doing a bit differently in terms of my studying journey, the biggest one probably being RTK - I know it doesn’t work for everybody but I honestly really enjoyed doing it? It definitely helped me overcome the mountain that is learning kanji lol.

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On a mobile app? I did find some custom apps that allow me to review in Anki mode for mobile but I was wondering if there’s a way to do the same on pc as well… :thinking:

anki mode I use on smoldering durtles,

on pc web browser I use anki mode script, that’s all. very handy.

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Which one are you using that’s still working? I found one that does something similar but it was outdated :thinking:

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