Order custom vocabulary list by WK level

Hey everyone!

So I’ve been working on a vocabulary list with items that aren’t found in WK by mix and matching vocabulary from Anki decks found here.

It’s a quite long Google Sheet, and ideally I would like to reorder all the vocabulary by WK level so that I don’t have to suspend every other card when I import the deck to Anki.

Does anyone have experience doing this? Checking the level for every single vocabulary item, though not impossible, would take hours, so I’m looking for a more efficient/automatic way of doing that.

Thank you for the help!

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The key to something like this will be importing csv files into anki and making sure that the first column matches existing cards so that you can update existing cards instead of overriding them. (ok, well either that or doing it immediately in your google doc; you would need a separate sheet with the WK vocab info first and then you could combine the info from those two sheets using VLOOKUP; go look it up, it might change you spreadsheet life :wink: )

Once you have your complete vocab list in an anki deck (first firld should be the vocab in japanese), you import a list that contains wk vocabulary in the first column and e.g. „level6 wanikani_vocab“ in a second column. you would chose to import this as the same type of card as your existing deck and select „update existing cards“. the second column is imported as tags (but you could also just create a separate field for this info). then you can filter by these tags and suspend all cards that are tagged „wanikani_vocab“.

I did something similar for adding WK and JLPT level info to my core 10k deck.

There is a wanikani to anki exporter somewhere that you can use to get vocabulary with level info I believe. Or existing WK vocab decks that you can first import and then export to csv if needed.

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I made my own Google sheet here which checks the WaniKani level for bucketloads of proper nouns by splitting each into individual kanji with the MID formula, then checks a lookup table (which I’d previously made, with each kanji listed with its level) with the VLOOKUP formula, then it returns the highest level value across all the kanji (with the MAX formula).

It’s possible there’s a more efficient method. Also, my lookup table is a bit out of date.

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Thank you @Belthazar and @irrelephant for your amazing propositions!

Belthazar’s solution is more fitting for my problem since I would like to arrange my Google Sheet by WK level BEFORE I import it within Anki, thank you nonetheless irrelephant for your proposition which will without a doubt help someone looking to achieve the same sort of thing :+1:


I also have a proposition for your lookup @Belthazar (it’s obviously up to you if you want to implement it), would be to return for example “-1” if the kanji is not in WK :+1:

Aye. Or 61.

The default #N/A does the trick well enough, though. :slightly_smiling_face:

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