I would like to start using Anki in order to enhance my vocabulary knowledge.
The main problem is that if I download a random core deck there will be a lot of word that i’ve already learned trough WK. Is there any way to bypass the need to delete all the card I already know ?
I’ve seen this google sheet spoiler[/spoiler] which is pretty awesome since shows vocab that are not in WK. Does a anki deck like this exist or not ?
Anyway if you have any advice about anki I would love to hear since every time I use it it doesn’t feel right. For example i’ve download the minna no nihongo anki deck but I don’t really like using it. I can’t stick with it like wanikani…
How do you learn your vocab trough anki ?
Thanks for your time and I hope this message is clear enough !
If you’re not dead set on Anki, you can use Torii which has the option of excluding all WK vocab from whichever word list you set it to use (defaults to core 10k).
But do keep in mind it doesn’t account for which vocab you have or haven’t learned yet, so you’re also gonna miss out on vocab you’re not gonna lean until many levels later. I personally prefer to just have the duplicates in there, I can’t exactly know a word too well and it appearing in the core however much means it’s actually somewhat common at least.
I also have difficulty sticking to Anki. I hate the UI so much. An alternative is using iKnow. You can use this to sync to your level and remove the vocab you don’t need, you can also add your own vocab into new custom sets iKnow sorted by WK level
I’m still using it as my main vocab builder. Currently, I’m on 6200+ total vocab now.
there are Anki decks sorted by wk level but they usually also include wanikani words. Personally, I would just download torii where you can just exclude wanikani words- you gonna learn around 5500 words from core 10k.
If needed later you can include 4500 wanikani words to practice en->jp output.
KameSame.com has a “skip recognition lessons for WaniKani items” option. From what I see no option to exclude WK items completely, but I also haven’t looked too closely.
You can learn vocab on there in order of JLPT, WK, or core 10K.
I just mass-suspended all the WK vocab I already learned in my Anki deck. Use the browse and search feature.
(A tech-savvy friend of mine wrote some code to generate a search term for multiple vocabs so I can just copy paste a whole level from wkstats, so it takes just a few seconds to suspend all of them. The website is on a personal server so I can’t share it, but they said if more people are interested they could move it to a public one.)
If you’d like a cleaner UI experience and better card management system. Check out the 10k deck on kitsun.io. You can filter out the WK vocab, by your WK level, and it includes kana. Also, Kitsun has a “Known Words” function for things learned on the platform.
Thanks! I didn’t know about Torii and iKnow. Torii seems like a good choice.
I also wonder about Kitsun it looks pretty good ! I did download it right now to try the 14 days trials… didn’t see any WK vocab filter i’ll check that later.
Another option is to gather your own words. I never stuck with vocab lists made by anyone else, but knowing that all the vocab came from my own dictionary lookups, and that I can freely make or modify whatever cards I want was enough that I’ve happily done Anki every morning for quite a while at this point, with no sign of stopping. It makes a huge difference for me, with the added benefit of alleviating the pain of not knowing words while reading, since accumulating words for the deck feels a little like catching pokemon…
To avoid the work of hand-crafting the cards, I use a dictionary app called takoboto that lets me add words to lists and export them to anki en masse, but I’m sure there’s other apps or tools that can help do it in other ways too if you choose to try out that route.
I found it hard to stick with anki until I decided that I must open it at least once every day and at least get through the reviews in there. Keeping yourself to a planned schedule helps.
I started to enjoy it a lot more once I started mining my own vocab as well. I use the setup from Anki - Animecards Site and mine vocab from stuff with yomichan, makes card creation easy.
Yomichan makes using Anki a lot easier for me, since it does most of the work in terms of creating cards, and I can choose what words I want to learn instead of trying to chew through a core deck that someone else put together. The other thing that made Anki a lot more pleasant for me to use was simply changing the styling of my flash cards so they’re nicer to look at. I didn’t really do much to them, mostly just changed the font and the color of the text/background, but it made them so much more satisfying to go through.
Here are examples of what my decks look like currently:
My Minna no Nihongo vocab deck:
My Yomichan cards:
I think it also helps to use Anki specifically for helping you read specific media, as opposed to just going through a deck of cards that aren’t connected to anything. I use it to pre-learn the vocab for my textbook, and once I have enough of a vocab and grammar base, I’m going to start actively mining vocab from manga and other media so that I’m learning vocab tailored to what I want to be reading.
I second this. My best experience with Anki by far was whenever I made my own decks.
For that kind of study I recommend using the Google Play app Akebi. It’s a solid dictionary that lets you quickly add words to an active list, then easily export the list to Anki.
I haven’t used takoboto, but it sounds like it’s good for similar reasons!
That’s definitely a good way to go about it, especially because it’s inherently tailored to the kind of content you consume, but I think especially in the beginning when you might otherwise be adding every other word you find, it can be valuable to do something like the core 2.3k - just learning a few thousand really common words opens up a lot of possibilities, and you can learn 2.3k vocab items pretty quickly all things considered.
What helped manage that for me is I would only add the word to anki once I had looked it up in multiple contexts. Since my process involves adding to lists as I look things up, it’s easy to see what’s already in lists, and a picture of roughly what’s commonly encountered and what isn’t develops surprisingly quickly.
(although I already had a chunk of vocab from wk, textbooks, and graded readers by the time I jumped to anki)
I personally am not very into Anki because I find it a bit plain. Instead I use the Jisho app on my phone to bookmark vocabulary words in separate folders and review using their srs flashcard feature. It might help to try it!