New People Questions! ~~~<3 [Lost?! Confused?! We're here to help!]

Is there a way to break reviews into smaller chunks like the lessons? To review only 5-10 items at a time?
I assume I could just exit the review, but it doesn’t feel right to do so when I have only answered half of an item - say, the meaning - and I know that the reading is waiting somewhere in the queue…

If you click the clock icon, the session will end after you’ve completed 10 more reviews.

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You are fantastic, thank you SO MUCH.

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Hi. I just leveled up to 10 few days ago and as i was doing my lesson, the radical 失 and 売 came up but i already learned the kanji for those 2 before i reached level 10, the kanji was included in my lesson as far as i can remember. Is that ok? I was just wondering if it will also happen on some radicals?

:hushed: why is my level here and in my dashboard different?

Aye, sometimes kanji are re-introduced as radicals so that they can be used as mnemonic components for more complicated kanji. Means you don’t have to identify a kanji like 続 with four radicals - you can instead do it with just two: 糸 + 売

Sometimes the level on the forum is a bit slow to update. You can fix it by logging out of the forum and back in again.


am actually confused whether getting to level 60 have any meaning at all…

sorry if this is not a beginner question, maybe it’s just a sudden existential crisis…

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Well, first of all, it’s the journey that matters rather than the destination. Secondly, you are actively learning new kanji and new words with every level. Every level matters imo :slight_smile:


Getting my first burn items. I just got one wrong. Which srs level does it fall back to? Does it stay in elightened and I’ll see it again in 4 months?

Getting an item wrong lowers it two SRS stages, if I remember correctly. So the item will have moved from Enlightened to Guru 2, and you’ll be seeing it sooner than 4 months from now.


No getting an item Wrong either sends it back 1 SRS level or resets to Guru 2 if above Guru 2


Enlightened (8) → Guru 2 (6)
Master (7) → Guru 1 (5)
Guru 2 (6) → Apprentice 4 (4)
Guru 1 (5) → Apprentice 3 (3)
Apprentice 4 (4) → Apprentice 3 (3)
Apprentice 3 (3) → Apprentice 2 (2)
Apprentice 2 (2) → Apprentice 1 (1)
Apprentice 1 (1) → Apprentice 1 (1)


imagine using wk for over 2 years but having no idea lmao


@Omun is just so awesome at WaniKani that he’s never needed to know.

Imagine using WaniKani for over two years but still not absorbing the chill factor of these forums.


Y’all are legends. I see your names everywhere.

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i was talking about myself, bro. Didn’t mean anything bad ._.


Hi, I tried to search the answer for this but I didn’t see it. I have an iphone SE 2020 and I can only get reviews and lessons to play sound if my phone is connected to a speaker or headphones. Is there a way to make it play through my phone’s speaker?

thanks for the help!

Not an answer to your question, but when you say “iPhone SE”, all I can picture is this thing:

We used to own one of those. It had a whole four megabyes of RAM!


it’s an iphone 8 with the upgraded iphone 11 chip only cost 250 for 128GB, I couldn’t stand to pay $1000 for a phone. My family had a mac in the 80s too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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As for your actual question, probably stating the obvious, but have you checked the phone isn’t muted, or the volume isn’t turned down while it’s not connected to speakers? :slightly_smiling_face: