New People Questions! ~~~<3 [Lost?! Confused?! We're here to help!]

One of my peeves with WK is that they use hiragana for all readings, which make it super easy to get mixed up when the kun is introduced with the kanji. I think I understand the reasoning (novices will typically become comfortable with hiranaga before katakana) but I wish there was a toggle for it.

Fortunately this is easily solved with third party scripts/apps…

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You can set it using Flaming Durtles. You can have it show on readings in katakana as well as require on’yomi answers to be in katakana.

Hello, sorry if this has already been answered, but I have a bit of an issue when reviewing my cards. Today all of a sudden this is what I see:


You can no longer read the right answer properly (white instead of green if correct) and I need to manually click on the right arrow to move onto the next time (before I could just press enter). Is anyone experiencing the same issue?

Thanks in advance!

As far as I’ve seen this seems like a script issue. If you are using tampermonkey, there’s a submenu under the extension called “Utilities” and under that you can check for updates. It might solve your issue. Of course this is only if you are using scripts.

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Yes I thought the same. I am using a lot of scripts, but they all seem to be updated…

EDIT: It works now! Thank you very much!!

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Newbie here at Level 4. checked both FAQ and GUIDE but could not find an answer to my (maybe too basic?) question.
I powered through 3 levels and started LvL4 today and I am wondering / fearing / sensing that I am not getting enough reviews on ‘old’ stuff and I might already forget things … so far everything I have is either Apprentice or Guru … when do reviews come back around to older lessons so that eventually I get stuff into Master, Enlightened and Burned?
Thank you all kindly, be gentle with me :smiley:

You can look up the SRS-Intervals here. Generally you don´t need to worry on not getting enough reviews on old things. They are spaced out in a way that the next review should come in just before you are about to forget it and train your brain to remember it long term.

If you feel you need some extra practice there is the Extra Study section. You have options for recently learned items, recent mistakes and burned items.
My advice would be to not do more extra study on an item after it leaves apprentice since this will mess up the SRS timings. Getting things wrong will happen eventually and your accuracy will go down by a bit after the early levels, though that shouldn´t worry you.


The times for each SRS stage after level 3 is as follows

Apprentice 1 → 4 hours → Apprentice 2
Apprentice 2 → 8 hours → Apprentice 3
Apprentice 3 → 23 hours → Apprentice 4
Apprentice 4 → 47 hours → Guru 1
Guru 1 → 1 week → Guru 2
Guru 2 → 2 weeks → Master
Master → 1 month → Enlightened
Enlightened → 4 months → Burned

They are set that way for a reason. I will do an extra study for things that are apprentice stages only. Don’t worry so much about not seeing items so often. You will soon have more than enough items each day to keep you busy.

Each correct answer will move you up a stage. Each wrong answer will move you down a stage on apprentice items and down 2 stages for guru and above.


Hey everyone,

Newbie question (even though I’m level 8 haha). Does the WaniKani weekly forecast include new cards you’re set to learn this week?

I have 500 reviews to complete this week but also 60 lessons. Are those new cards included in the 500 reviews forecast or will they be added once the lessons are done?


They will be added once the lessons are done, since you can’t predict when a given user will do their lessons (you might not even do them for a month)


Hey there sorry in advance if im posting this question in the wrong place. I love wanikani i have been using it for a few months alongside other resources to learn japanese. I have been looking for a way to add sentences to my anki deck that include the kanji based on my progress in wanikani. I had tried the example sentences that wanikani provides but most of the time those example sentences use a lot of other vocab or grammar thar i havent learned yet. I dont trust making my own cards yet without having them checked and it becomes very time consuming to go about it this way. If anyone has any suggestions here, I would love to hear from you! Thanks in advance!

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Maybe this project could be interesting for you:

Satori Reader? Hopefully some have simplified grammar, and Kanji can be synced with WaniKani. Probably can be hovered with Yomichan as well.

Fwiw, Bunpro syncs with WK and incorporates vocab you’ve learned into its practice sentences. Further, it will hide furigana for vocab you’ve encountered in WK. Has been very helpful for me. However, there is a cost to get their expanded list of sentences.

Not super new to Wanikani now but thought I’d ask this here rather than making my own thread.

Just came across the 豕 (Pig) radical in level 7 and the mnemonic reads “You have the animal radical in this already, that should be a clue.” At this point the radical for animal hasn’t actually come up and won’t until level 14 - is this some sort of oversight or am I missing something with how these are displayed for me?

Just thought it worth pointing out!


They moved the Animal radical up to level 14 back in April, but I guess they never updated the mnemonics.

Psst, @Mods


Thanks for pointing this out, we’ll fix it.


hi, how can i check when i get my next reviews or lessons?

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Reviews are fairly simple to check, there’s a review forecast on the wanikani dashboard. That will tell you when you’ll have reviews, and how many you’ll have for the next week (be aware, the numbers are only really accurate for your next batch, since doing reviews will change these around, if they still happen to fall on that week).

For lessons, you get new ones, once you get either a radical or a kanji to the guru level. Since you are on level 1, which is sped up a bit, this will take about 2 days from the time you did the lessons for them, provided you do your reviews once they come up.

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thanks alot