May 24, 2017, 2:00pm
Hey, just started! I’ve got about 3 chapters of Genki under my belt and wanted to work on kanji simultaneously. Is there a way to see your time count down until your next set of radicals or kanji will be available? The interface is a little confusing at first glance and it’s hard to know what to do next. Some sort of visible countdown might be helpful. Just a thought
You can’t do that by default, but you can add widgets created by users like this one. It’s not quite what you’re describing, but it let’s you visualize upcoming reviews, and if you know how the system works, you can tell when you’ll level up and unlock new items.
Here’s a tutorial for installing userscripts.
If you are on Firefox, install Greasemonkey . If you are on Chrome, install Tampermonkey . 2. Click on the link to the userscript. You will find this in the forum post about the userscript. 3. Click on the button that says “install userscript” Success! You’ve installed a userscript! EDIT: after installing greasemonkey/tampermonkey once, you don’t need to reinstall it for every subsequent userscript, you can just skip straight to step 2.
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