The handakuten in か゚き゚く゚け゚こ゚ is actually used to specify the nasal sounding [ŋ] (like the “ng” in “singing”) variant of がぎぐげご which you hear instead of /g/ in some regions of Japan. I found this video a while back:
Aye, but that’s not カ, that’s 力.
Send me back to Japanese Kindergarten… It’s like how I thought 口パク (lip-syncing) was ロパク for the longest time
i keep on getting confused between the two
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Isn’t there a similar thing done occasionally for R (ラ゚リ゚ル゚レ゚ロ゚) → L? Or is that only for specific orthographies - I know I’ve seen it somewhere lol
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Apparently they do! Japanese Wikipedia Says “外来語のラ行音のうち、L音由来のものをR音由来のものから区別するために、前者に半濁点を添えたもの。”
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