Need help with yet another example sentence

So the sentence is


My question is why is that か there. I can’t imagine a way to use that particle that would make sense here.

EDIT: after looking at it some more, I think I understand. It doesn’t feel useless to me now, but if I was making that sentence on my own, I would never have thought to put it there. Correct me if Im wrong but is it because of the まるで at the start making that first clause sort of like a question, and the か connects it with the request of the second part.

No, it’s not because of まるで. It’s because “河童が存在することを信じているか” is an embedded question. Embedded questions do not require any keywords to be included. And unlike in English, embedded questions in Japanese don’t require one to restructure the sentence.

Isn’t it まるで~かのように? “As if”, as in “Could you react for me as if you believe kappa exist”?

No, you’re right. I was not looking at the bigger picture with regard to the possible context because I was so focused on the smaller clause. I’ve also seen まるで~のように without か, but the か is necessary in order to translate it the way you have. Thank you for pointing that out.

I think the まるで〜ように is somewhat irrelevant to understand the point of what か is doing in the sentence though since it’s not really part of the “structure” here.

What do you mean? :slight_smile:

But then ignoring the まるで we have


how is this an embedded question. Its just “believing ing the existence of kappa”, no? The question part of it seems to be the second part where they are asking if they could give them a reaction.

Actually I believe I have found the answer:

  1. Used with you よう
    (you usually follows a clause + ka no)

found on a japanese grammar website marude まるで - Japanese For Beginners . So apparently its just for if you want to use まるで at the beginning of a clause with よう at the end. TIL. For some reason the other two websites mentioned nothing about this…but oh well.

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Japanese is difficult. :slight_smile:

There’s an entry on it on Imabi, btw:

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Ah thank you. Its weird that some grammar sources just dont mention this at all…

The example sentence 彼の病気はまるで神様が治してくれたかのようにきれいに消えましたよ。pretty much clears this one up. I think I’ve wrapped my head around this one. tyvm

Not to hijack the thread, but the IMABI page has this example sentence:

  1. 最近忘れっぽくなった。
    I tended to forget the recent times.

Isn’t that wrong though? ぽくなった is negative? Or am I missing something obvious?

ぽくなった is っぽい plus なる.

忘れっぽい (tending to be forgetful)
忘れっぽくなる (to become forgetful)
忘れっぽくなった (became forgetful)


Yep, leebo is right, but I was already typing a reply so ill try to elaborate. so they attached っぽい to the verb stem which shows tendency.

If you know about adding なる to i adjectives, youve probably seen an example like 高くなった

Same thing here, they just drop the i on っぽい, add くなる and conjugate the なる. Naru basically means to become, so its like you became someone with the tendency to forget. In simpler terms you just say you became forgetful

Oh, I was thinking it was the negative form of っぽい. How would that be? っぽくない I assume. So the negative of 忘れっぽくなる would be 忘れっぽくならない?

Yes to both of your questions. The example 35 is an example for your first question

She’s not womanly at all!

EDIT: Worth noting that in this example the っぽい is used with a noun. The conjugation is the same, but in this case it means more like “noun-like”.

How would that be read? おんなっぽくない?


its making me have at least ten characters so imma add this sentence.

Thanks a bunch!

And also @Vanilla

Ignoring まるで still leaves us with ように the two are often paired together, this is a common theme in Japanese, same with もし〜たら but it’s not necessary to have them both together.

Clause~か is a question. 河童が存在することを信じている is “Believe in the existence of Kappa” but 河童が存在することを信じている - without any other context is “Do you believe in the existence of Kappa?”

I don’t really know how to explain the broader picture any better, but this page is good: grammar - How to use 〜かのよう{に・な・だ} - Japanese Language Stack Exchange as well as the link within that page.

か seems to add more doubt and more of a “contradictory to the facts” feeling.


I think I understand what you are saying. My initial thought was that the か acted as making the first clause a question, as that is the only way I had seen か used in the middle of a sentence until now.

I see what you mean though. Up until this point I had only seen のように without the か, so I sorta assumed the か was just there for the まるで. The thing you linked cleared it up though, ill be sure to remember that かのように can exist on its own.

As for what the ka does, the example sentence clears it up, I think

…なにもなかったかのように… ‘as if nothing had happened
…なにもなかったように… ‘it looked like nothing had happened’

so 彼は神様だったかのように is more like “…as if he was a god” whereas 彼は神様だったように… is like “…in a godlike way”?