Hi there! Just started and love the platform and this style of learning. I also discovered the Mnemonics Visualization Gallery which could be a big help remembering weird stories. What would you consider ‘must-have’ scripts/extensions/apps for me? I’ve already installed the ‘Hide context sentence’ script, but would love to hear about other properly working (!) add-ons that could improve WK.
It’s all just personal preference, really.
Shotty maintains a nice list of all the scripts: /t/The-New-And-Improved-List-Of-API-and-Third-Party-Apps/7694/1
I suggest you to read through it, and try out what you find interesting.
Some popular ones (based on the total number of GM installs): Stroke order, Dashboard Progress Plus, Override, Level Duration. Real Numbers, Ultimate Timeline, LevelUp Celebrator, Similar Kanji, Reorder Ultimate
These are really just a matter of convenience, but I think these are worth checking out the most:
Dashboard Progress Plus
Ultimate Timeline
Additional Resource Links/Stroke Order
Mistake Delay
Similar Kanji (though this site is a much more comprehensive method of looking for similar kanji: here)
Chrome Extensions:
Wanikani Notifier
Wanikani Companion
Apps (if Android):
Wanikani Mobile
I know people might throw in ones like Override, Double Check, Reorder, etc, just my opinion, you really shouldn’t need those. Good luck!
Rainmeter: /t/WaniKani-Rainmeter-Windows/1108/1
Hide Answers - Great for quizzing yourself on the Level screens.
DotDotDot Expander - Changes things like “To Pick So…” to “To Pick Someone Up”.
Clean Dashboard - Goes very well with [Ultimate Timeline] and [Dashboard Progress Plus] in compact mode to make the dashboard visually efficient.
“Chat Posts” Search Results - Direct Link - Saves a lot of time and hassle when searching for stuff in the forums.
Starker said... Rainmeter: /t/WaniKani-Rainmeter-Windows/1108/1not even gonna lie; that's pretty boss
My advice would be not to go overboard on installing plugins when you’ve just started. It’s a bit like taking supplements when you’re working out - you should instead just not use anything at first until you discover there’s something you need help with, otherwise it’s a waste.
The one I would recommend at first is the timeline extension, so you can see when your next reviews are coming up and you can maybe plan to come back when you’ve got a bunch of reviews waiting for you rather than just one or two.
You probably won’t need things like re-order scripts until you’re a few levels in.
Thanks everyone! I’ve installed
- Dashboard Progress Plus
- Ultimate Timeline
- Hide Context Sentence
- Level Duration
- Real Numbers