So, there was some Discource update here a couple of weeks ago or so, and ever since then, when you open hidden text - either a details box or the “view the replied-to post” button - the hidden text appears upwards. Which is to say, the bottom of the post stays where it is, and the hidden text disappears off the top of the screen. Since I invariably opened said hidden text in order to read said hidden text, that’s less than ideal behaviour, so is there any kind of setting that can be tweaked to fix this behaviour?
With “view replied-to post” button clicked. Can’t see the difference? The little red line saying “last visit” has disappeared, because the replied-to post has appeared above the top of the screen.
I haven’t noticed this for hidden sections, but I’ve had a similar issue with clicking next to the heart to see who liked a post. It’s pretty annoying.
@Belthazar and @seanblue are both of you using chrome? which OS?
I’m using Duck Duck Go on iOS for ipad, no add ons or anything everything works fine, so it would probably be helpful to see if it has to do with a certain browser.
Would still try a different browser to check if it works differently.
Don’t know how to fix, but in the “you’re not the only one” spirit, it’s been doing that for me for a while too. (firefox, mac)
Also when I’m scrolling down it sometimes jumps back un-commanded a comment or two so I have to scroll down some more to get where I was, then down some more to see what I wanted to see. Sometimes it even does it multiple times in a row, like a game of keep-away. It’s just enough to be annoying, but intermittent so I CAN actually scroll after being annoyed.
Wait a minute… I think this actually happened to me as well lately more than once but not enough to make me think it wasn’t me unintentionally touching the screen, but now that you’ve described it… hmmm
When it happens for me (Chromium on Linux), it doesn’t always open upward. Sometimes it opens downward as expected, depending possibly on the [details] tag’s location on the screen and the side of the contents within.
I’ve been waiting to see if the issue will magically fix itself before seeing if I can script around it, but I suppose a thread like this one is probably the better route…
I checked the Discourse community and none of those issues were mentioned in the past week, they can’t fix something they don’t know about so it’s good that @Belthazar reported it.
We’ll see what the mods have to say, they can inform the Discourse support.
So, I’ve done some more experimentation, and I’ve realised that things only open upwards if the new thread stats box (i.e. the “views” “like” et cereta underneath the topic closure date line) is on the screen. If I scroll it below the edge of the screen, stuff opens downwards as it should, but if it’s visible at all, even by just a row or two of pixels, it’s firmly nailed in position, and the rest of the thread needs to move to accommodate it.
And I’m like, I don’t actually care all that much about the thread stats. I don’t read that box at the top of the thread, why would I read it at the bottom?
(Posts that are replies still get double-quoted when I want to see the original post, though.)
I’m able to reproduce this as well. When the stats box is on screen, the [details] contents open upwards even with repeated tries to open and close. Then if I remove the stats box from the page (via the browser’s HTML inspector), opening and closing the [details] contents open downwards as expected.
I’ve noticed this too since a while ago. When I checked on meta discourse, it was already reported as a bug, but now the thread is apparently marked as fixed Seems like it is no longer an issue over there anymore, but it’s clearly still bugging out here.
Moderator: “It only seemed to affect our hosted sites, but it should all now be resolved.”
Hey Balthazar! Do you mind if I pass of your post to the Discourse team directly so they can troubleshoot for us? Could you let us know your browser and OS (and version) as well?