Lost connection to WaniKani

Getting the alerts and investigating.


Same here. Just this morning. Internet is fine. Just adding an extra report.

Alright, looks like it’s resolved for now. We’re still looking into the long-term solution for this one. Thanks for the reporting everyone (and robots that keep us up-to-date no matter the time of day).


Thank you for your work.

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Started happening again this morning.

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I’m still getting this as of right now, happens about every 10 reviews.

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Same here!

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happening a lot now

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Was fixed yesterday but more of the same this morning UTC.

Same problem now, it`s happening during lessons too:(

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Figured this information might help a developer figure it out.

Here’s what I’m seeing in the network tab of my browser:

This seems to be triggered by this $.ajax call in the application.js source:

$.ajax({ url: "/json/progress", type: "PUT", data: o, dataType: "json" })
  .fail(function (t, i, r) {
      var a;
      return (
          (a = $.jStorage.get("submitFailedQueue") || []).push({ id: u, mi: n.mi, ri: n.ri }),
          $.jStorage.set("submitFailedQueue", a, { ttl: 36e5 }),
          WaniKani.exceptions.submitErrorReport("reviews", "processCompleted", r, t, i, params, e.errorDetails())
  .done(function () {
      return (e.lastItemProcessed = !0);

I believe the fail function is being called here because the request is failing (it’s a 500 in the network tab).

In my JS console, I see this:

This seems to be a side-effect of the error; the params variable is indeed not defined – I suspect in this minified code it’s the o variable, but I could be wrong.

The JS file that I am served from the CDN is https://cdn.wanikani.com/assets/v03/review/application-5d0ab0ab2d1f843524a299e74670ab89c9b8ea92b73a3284cbc7c1c841e2e596.js. A http HEAD on this URL shows these dates:

Date: Tue, 02 Jun 2020 21:55:51 GMT
Last-Modified: Tue, 02 Jun 2020 21:51:01 GMT

FWIW, re-submitting the JSON progress network request (Right click in network tab → “Resend”) seems to work fine.

Possibly an intermittent server issue? I don’t know. I’ll leave it to the code legends :slight_smile:


I`ve been getting the same problem. The funny thing is - after the no connection pop-up, I can continue to input answers and Wanikani will accept them, but it’s a bit inconvenient, so I just click refresh button as the pop-up suggests. :smile:

Same here, also seen “Something went wrong” when trying to access WaniKani, but refreshing the page solved the issue

Same here - getting the refresh prompt every few words for the past hour or so. Refreshed during a lesson quiz and it changed some of the lesson Kanji :sweat:

I had it yesterday too, got better (the fix =) ) but now it is back again.
Sneaky little bugger this one!

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I might lose connection to WK, but I will never lose connection to my inner crabigator.


Great attitude! :+1:

I just had a bout of this issue. It was like one time-out per 3-4 items. That’s a lot. Previous time-outs I’ve had have been a rare occurrence, so this is clearly something new. I do hope a fix is around the corner!

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Wanikani reached out on Twitter to me last night claiming that the issues are fixed.

But sadly I am still seeing issues tonight.

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Still happening this morning, for me :frowning:


:broken_heart: :crabigator:

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