Looking for a learning partner :)

Welcome to the community!

I wish you luck finding someone who can study Genki alongside you! But even if not, hanging around the forums is still a good way to get support from all of the wonderful people here who can answer questions.

When you start to feel like branching out from textbooks, be sure to check out the Absolute Beginner Book Club. We try to pick books that are fairly approachable for beginners to start reading, and we try to make it even more accessible by having an active community of folks who are willing to answer any questions that may come up as we read!

Outside of that, I’m a bit further along than you, and I crashed out of Genki hard because textbooks and I don’t get on, but I would definitely be up for chatting here and there. :grin:

Best of luck with your Japanese studies! 頑張ってね!