Long Time No See! Need help

Hello everyone!

After a couple of years of giving up I decided to come back and reach level 60. Currently I am level 22 and I literally forgot most of them. How should I proceed? Currently I am studying the burned items again. How can I memorize the first 22 levels again? I kind of remember them. Do you suggest any way?

Thanks for the help as always.

Much love!



I’d recommend starting again from level 5 or so, so you at least spare yourself the trivial kanji and words out of the way.


Go through all the levels one by one using the selfstudy userscript.

Reading just the kanji mneumonics before doing the quiz can help you reremember the the kanji and vocab.
That’s how I did it for level 1-39 when I took a 1 year break.


Welcome back. I was stuck at level 23 when I semi-quit after the first renaming of radicals and mass mnemonic update. After umpteen years, I took up Japanese again and reset my WaniKani account in January 2025. I never regretted it.

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