The good news is that there is a script available, it’s called “Burn Manager”.
The bad news? You will have a terrible and painful time going through all of those resurrected items + current review queue after a 3 years absence. Especially if you haven’t kept immersing yourself with Japanese outside of WaniKani (reading, etc.).
I did it myself after 2 years of absence and was at level 48. After resurrecting all my burned items and the current review queue, I had more than 5,000 reviews! I kept at it almost on a daily basis for several months. I was starting to hate Japanese and the SRS system wasn’t working going through that big pile. There is another person in the forums going through 6,000+ reviews at level 46 and honestly after basically a year, the person is 2 threads in and halfway done. Meanwhile, other people finish all 60 levels within the same timeframe. Definitely not worth it.
Just go for the reset.