Today I probably should have listened to more variety, but なつめさんち was the only thing I was motivated to watch hahaha. But it meant I still got my time in!!! Oh yeah, and I guess I was also stuck underneath my cats, so I didn’t have access to my computer to watch anime as input lol
I finished the mega 2024 gaming video!!! And also watched a newer video about a おでん making game, and it looked difficult! Lastly, I watched one of their art videos about a wood sketchbook! Rather than normal paper, it’s just the raw wood that they shave really thinly, it was pretty cool!! There was one really funny moment too where Gen says he can’t unhear how many times Saya says さ at the end of a sentence I had noticed it before too!
Listened to a second SR story in its entirety. Yesterday’s was difficult, but today’s was a real challenge - this is the kind of Japanese listening I need to get better at - but I think as my reading level improves and my vocabulary increases this should also improve.
I watched this week’s anime club for ダンジョン飯 and we’re nearing the climax of the first cour. There’s no way they don’t end up cooking the dragon, right?
Also finished up the current podcast club with 4989 American Life. There is more podcast, but I probably won’t continue this podcast in the short term.
Lmichl’s Home Page
Starting a bit late, but i put this down as one of my goals in my study log, so thought this would be a great place to keep track! first challenge so hoping to just start the habit.
The Plan
Since im still pretty new and getting used to listening practice im gonna do this in two ways. Ive been using music to help me recognize words so for days that im working and don’t have time to really sit down and study, im gonna count active listening towards this challenge. for the other days, I want to use podcasts and easy anime and just try to grasp as many words as possible.
Home Janurary 12
Started learning verb conjugation today so focused on picking that and my genki lesson 2 topics. Felt like I was actually understanding for the first half!
Watched the first episode of Ace of Diamond, couldn’t understand anything the first time, but on my second watch I put subtitles on and paused to check sentence meanings/grammar/vocab, which IMO doesn’t really count as listening. I didn’t have time for a third listen through without subtitles or any pausing (which I’m still not too sure if this is the best way of doing the watchings)
Starting tomorrow I’m going to find some coding for a good Anki Listening Note Type and begin to make listening flash cards for myself, as hopefully, this will improve my listening skills by truly forcing me to listen for the answer, not just listen passively and have no need to truly understand it.
It’s definitely a challenge to know what to look up and when, which I’ve always had a struggle with, so maybe I should keep it to approx one word/one sentence to put into my anki deck(s) for every few minutes or so. Right now I’m probably adding about 30 cards into my anki decks everyday, which I have came to a realization is waaay too much, and I should limit myself much more.
Sorry if this update post is rushed, not too much time on my hands right now.
Any advice or things to look for during future listening sessions would be greatly appreciated.
Two more podcast episodes in my casual podcast search today. Akane’s was pretty close, thoulgh she did mention in today’s episode that she’s just switched to a more native reading speed, so there may not be much back catalogue.
I feel like it would be good if I had more Japanese YouTube to watch, to get exposed to the patterns/speed that’s slightly different from anime. So today I searched up Monster Hunter Wilds and watched a video on that, because that’s something I watch in English too
Sayuri Saying Podcast#251
How do Japanese people stay warm in winter? With Miku
Listened to this one twice & then read the transcript afterwards to check on the words I wasn’t sure of. Surprised (and maybe a little shocked) to hear of Miku’s profligate use of disposable warmers [カイロ]. I’ve also seen them used a lot in the anime ゆるキャン. Although some environmentally friendly ones exist, most contain quite toxic chemicals which then go into landfill after a single use.
I thought that the enviro-conscious Sayuri might be alluding to this problem indirectly when she confessed she hadn’t used them citing disposal issues.
News Connect あなたと経済をつなぐ5分間
[1月14日] ぜレンキー大統領、北朝鮮兵とウクライナ兵の捕虜交換に前向き
Going to try and listen to this regularly for a while to (hopefully) improve my “news” listening.