:Loud_sound: 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Winter 2025 ⛷️ ☕

Listen Challenge - Winter :snowflake: Home :snowflake:

Days 20-26日
Resources Amount Time
Nihongo con Teppei Podcast 0h55min
Crunchyroll Anime +1h30




Kiri Tokyo Podcast #56

Think in Japanese すったもんだカルチャー 25/1/25

The Bite size Japanese Podcast #518


:snowflake: January 26th :snowflake:

Home Post

Today I listened to

  • :art: The rest of the interview video of なつめさんち on さいとうなおき’s channel. It was fun to hear stuff about how they started their channel and such!
  • :arrow_forward: A comprehensible Japanese video about the Fukushima nuclear disaster
  • :tiger: Episode 1 of Toradora! I have never seen it before and know little of what happens, and it was kind of higher up on my priority of stuff I wanted to watch. I also figured the setting would be good and not too crazy for listening learning. I know it’s a little premature, but I liked the first episode!! Looking forward to more
Detective Conan Convo Continued!

Eeeexcellent, very good. I definitely do the same lol, I was even worried in my response post if I was making it too long!

Wow, that’s awesome! I see I see
Oh yeah, I guess I didn’t really think about some of the episodes maybe not being available in English. I did notice on some spots like crunchyroll that there’s a big gap, but we haven’t gotten far enough for it to be a problem or for me to look into it haha

Wowww, that’s crazy! That’s was your start to learning Japanese? I love that!!
So you’re saying some of the episodes in Japanese aren’t even available on streaming platforms? Or you want to actually own it all by having the dvds?

Dang, that’s awesome!! I’m sure you’re well acquainted with those episodes

That’s so cool!! Man, that will be a momentous achievement when you have them all :smile:

It seems like this franchise is a good one to be obsessed with, with how much material there is!! We’ve really enjoyed the amount we’ve seen, we love the character dynamics and the music and everything about it! Haha

I also realized, for it being such a popular series I knew/know very little about it, so we always get excited when there’s a through-line plot episode (black organization stuff and the like). Haha sometimes mom will jokingly gripe like “will he turn back to his old age? I want to see him turn back!” cause it also makes us sad to see Ran sad lol. But I’m just like “mom Imma go out on a limb and say that probably doesn’t permanently happen” :laughing:

But I’m curious if you don’t mind giving your knowledge, oh wise one in the conan ways :laughing:
Does it feel like there’s, “eras” or something in the show? I understand it’s a pretty episodic show, and I like that! But I was curious if it feels like there’s definite vibes to different chunks of episodes, or different small plot developments

I’ve also been thinking of continuing to watch the anime, but also read all the manga in Japanese on my own. I already have the first 5 volumes! and when I go to Japan later this year I’m waffling between taking up all my luggage space with volumes, or buying them digitally. Because digital is more space efficient, but I love paper copies!! And it’s so hard when 100円 copies stare me in the faaace :sob: haha, but I guess I still have time to decide :wink:




・少しゆっくり日本語 ep 4-5


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Home Post :snowflake: | Week 4

1月26日 (日)

Silent Witch 1 Ch.2 (1:06-1:38/8:13). Bookwalker store has free to read in 10 minutes, so :white_check_mark: and that much is already enough to support listening.

Chinese breakfast :cn: – copy out the remaining half :cn: sub

Home Post :snowflake: | Week 5

1月27日 (月)

日中バイリンガルへの道 #242 紧急情况!

ちゃいなサプリ - チベット語通訳マリア・リンチェン


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A little change of pace today, with two episodes of Yuyu as a palette cleanser between anime seasons.

The first episode was about New Year’s resolutions, and then the second was about Japanese in real life vs Japanese taught in Japanese schools (basically, he thought some phrases like 〇〇いけません were overly formal for everyday conversation vs 〇〇だめ、thought older teachers were exaggerating how gendered expressions like だろう are, and also thought they should teach common contractions like すげえ ). Then it turned into a discussion on different eras of Japanese after that for the next section.

Date Name Type Progress Time
2025-01-27 :headphones: Yuyuの日本語 :headphones: Podcast :arrow_forward: 2 Episodes :hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h00m



  • Ep.1 日本のお昼ご飯について
  • Ep.2 結婚と夫婦のお金について

Listened to these again for the podcast club - enjoyed the second episode in particular 興味深い話!

Sayuri Saying Podcast #254
The Flavour of Osaka: Okonomiyaki Adventure

The novel he’s recommending is 「また、同じ夢をみていた」I’m hoping to read as much of this as I can for @taiyousea’s next readathon so getting myself psyched up. It will be my first attempt at reading a novel.


:snowflake: January 27th :snowflake:

Home Post

Today I listened to

  • :tiger: Episode 2 & 3 of Toradora! These episodes were a little bit harder for me langauge wise than the first. Ahhh I still really like the story so far though!
  • :fox_face: Episode 4 of メタラジ with all the members of 新しい学校のリダーズ as guests! It was a big group with the nine of them haha, but it was a good episode! The only bad thing about this radio show is it’s so short :')



・内山昂輝の1クール!ep 0-1
・少しゆっくり日本語 ep 6-10

I finally braved listening to Uchiyama Kouki’s podcast, which I’ve been following for ages but never touched for fear that it would be too fast. But I’ve listened to the cast talks for the audio dramas I have, and I did understand some! Turns out, he doesn’t even speak all that fast for much of it. More audio-drama speed than after-talk speed.

I learned that “#” is read as “sharp” in JP even when it’s the number sign. Also that an underscore is called an underbar, and “(笑)” is read “かっこわらい.” …Which, now that I think of it, I think I might have already known because of MP100…


Home Post

Missed posting yesterday, but I did do my listening/watching both days:
1月26日 - Watched 名探偵コナン eps 253 and 254, plus the new episode from this weekend, 1151. For anyone watching new episodes of コナン, any thoughts on Amuro’s new voice actor? I’m sure I’ll get used to him soon enough, but for now I’m not sure how I feel about the change…

1月27日 - Had a very busy Monday, thanks to work, so only watched ep 255. Definitely a hard episode, largely because of all the cultural references in this one, so at best 50% understood, probably less. It was part one of a case where Conan and co visited and described of a bunch of real world locations. Plus there was poetry. So lots of things went way over my head. Part two is likely to be just as hard tomorrow…

Detective Conan discussion continued

Well, I haven’t looked recently, since I’ve long since committed to purchasing the dvds at this point (and I do prefer to own dvds over streaming, just to make sure I don’t risk losing access to a favorite at the whim of the service!). But back when I started collecting, the first 123 eps and first 6 movies were available via Funimation, and Crunchyroll had eps 754+, and that was basically it. To watch those 600+ eps in between, or the other movies, it was either fansubs or import the dvds, which of course did not have English. That’s how it was in the US, anyway, though I couldn’t say if there was more access in other countries.

I do know that Amazon Prime Japan currently has the series on streaming, but I’m…hesitant about trying to use a VPN in order to access that. And US Amazon Prime only has the same eps that are available on Crunchyroll, I believe, plus several of the more recent movies. I suppose it’s possible there might be somewhere else that streams more eps in the US now, but if so, I’m not aware of it…

Definitely! Great characters (and if you’re only just finished with ep 70, you have some awesome ones to look forward to - my favorite character doesn’t even get introduced until you get into the 200s); great stories; music; as you say, everything! :smiley:

Trying to avoid specific spoilers here, but yeah, things definitely evolve over the course of the show - new characters, new info (and new questions/mysteries!) concerning the Black Organization, character relationships that evolve over time, etc. There are tons (literally!) of stand-alone episodic cases, but you also get certain episodes/sets of episodes that involve developing the overarching plot and relationship threads - it’s always exciting when those moments pop up!

I’m actually doing this too! I never got around to reading the manga in English, but I’m getting good enough at reading now (thanks Wanikani! :smiley: ) to be able to read it in Japanese. I’m in the middle of Volume 19 right now, and thanks to Bookwalker’s periodic 50% coinback sales, I’ve collected quite a few more beyond that. :slight_smile: :books: I don’t have enough space to get large amounts of physical manga, so all of mine are digital.

Ooh, have fun! I will eventually visit Japan, but it’s probably not going to be for a while. When I go, I would want it to be for a nice long several week trip at least, which is hard to do while working full-time…


Home post

Happy lunar new year everyone! :slight_smile:

Date Source and name Language Time
1月27日 :thought_balloon: Dreaming Spanish - Shel’s DNA test :es: 13 mins
1月28日 :bread: The Jam Maker - Ep 58 - 60 :jp: 9 mins
1月29日 :thought_balloon: Dreaming Spanish - Keep talking and nobody explodes :es: 28 mins
1月30日 :bear: Nihongo con Teppei - Ep 134 - 136 :jp: 11 mins
1月30日 :smile_cat: Learn Japanese with Noriko - Ep 1 - 2 :jp: 7 mins
1月31日 :rainbow: Chill Listening Spanish Ep 105-106 :es: 8 mins
2月01日 :kimono: あかね的日本語教室 Osaka to Kobe :jp: 10 mins
2月02日 :thought_balloon: Dreaming Spanish - Keep talking and nobody explodes :es: 20 mins

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Today I started Zombie Land Saga Revenge!

Guest starring Eren

After listening to Heikousen Scramble so much earlier, I recognised the whole ラジオネーム thing too.

Date Name Type Progress Time
2025-01-28 :woman_zombie: ゾンビランドサガリベンジ :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 2 Episodes
:vhs: 1-2
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m

Hey friends!

I made a master list for learner podcasts:

I think I got most of the major ones, but feel free to add any that I missed. :man_dancing:



Kiri Tokyo Podcast #57

The Bite size Japanese Podcast

  • #530 インフルエンザ
    Layla’s boyfriend has the flu. He’s a school teacher so probably got it off a sick student. Layla then discusses Japanese attitudes to sick days & holidays. Worth a listen.
  • #527 日本の宗教
    Friends of her boyfriend’s brother visit from Australia, but some of them won’t visit the shrines and temples because they’re Christian - Leyla is (understandably) shocked & then talks about Japanese attitudes to religion including her own upbringing. As an Australian, I have to say that the majority of us are not particularly religious but years ago among the group of exchange students I went to Japan with, there was one girl who steadfastly refused to enter any shrine or temple because the devil was there. I was shocked then too.
  • #520 トイレ



・少しゆっくり日本語 ep 11


:snowflake: January 28th :snowflake:

Home Post

Today I listened to

  • :tiger: Episode 4-7 of Toradora! There are some really funny unexpected bits that make me burst out laughing haha. Ooh, but Ami showed up, and she’s so awful in her intro episode!! But I feel like they’re setting her up to not be as bad as her first impression (edit: which already kind of came true in ep 6 haha). And Kitamura is really interesting too, the way he talks about things and sees people haha. Its hard to pinpoint yet what/how he’s thinking! I’m still really enjoying this series!! Ahh I want to ditch all responsibilities and just keep watching it haha. But that’s good cause it makes it easy to get my listening time in!
Detective Conan

That’s crazy! For such a big series you wouldn’t expect it to have such a big missing gap :pensive:

Oooh shooot, I look forward to it then!!
Oooh, favorite character! Mayhaps is it the person in your profile picture??

Yippee!!! Yes we always get excited when those kinds of episodes pop up haha. Yeah, at the point we’re at we know the basic basic characters, but I know there’s like Kaitou Kid, and Zero(?) because there’s the spinoff anime. But I don’t really know anything beyond just their names haha. So I’m excited for when new characters show up :smile:

Dang volume 19, that’s awesome! Yes bookwalker coinback/sales are my dear friend :relieved: haha
I agree digital is probably better in a lot of aspects, which is what makes me conflicted! But even if I decide to not get it physically, it’s nice to know bookwalker will be there for me lol

Thank you!! Yeah I agree, and especially if you’re in a country Japan is far from, it’s nice to be able to stay longer!
Yeah I’m really grateful for the length of time I’m gonna be able to go. I feel like maybe I won’t ever get a better chance than this, so I’m very excited! If I don’t buy Conan volumes, I’ll at least have to read some in local libraries and such :wink:
Now I’m super motivated and want to read my first five volumes!


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Catching up a bit on ダンジョン飯。

Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-01-29 :fried_egg: ダンジョン飯S1 :tv: Anime
:durtle: (BAC)
:arrow_forward: BAC Week 7
:vhs: 11-12
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m

Home Post

21st: grammar video
22nd: went on bunpro, listened to N4 sentences with both jap and eng text blurred, unblurred to check I was right. While watching anime outside of studying, ep3 of 花は咲く、修羅の如く, and the focus on speaking clearly and pitch accent made me really try to listen to how they were talking and not just reading the subtitles. There were moments they speak so clearly, I want to try rewatching the first three episodes without subtitles, and see if I can continue the season like that.

26th: 花は咲く、修羅の如く, tried out episode one without subs. I feel like I fluctuate between understanding either everything that was said or nothing, though realistically I did pick up a few bits and pieces from the nothing sections, just not enough to feel like I understand.
27th: started podcast club. was difficult.
28th: grammar vid
29th: Finished last 3rd of ダン飯 ep2. Went surprisingly smoothly.



Japanese Bite Sized Podcast #516


時をかける少女 (アニメ)




・少しゆっくり日本語 ep 12-14