🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

:sound: Listening Room: Date 20220827 :loud_sound:

Day LXVII: Illegal Chopstick Manoeuvres :chopsticks:

NHK school vid, all about what you shouldn’t do with your chopsticks! :chopsticks:

Also played some Yakuza 6


August 27th!

I had a class with one of my tutors this morning where we did half an hour of free talk and then half an hour of grammar and reading.

I also watched the first 3 episodes of Season 3 of Teasing Master Takagi-san.

(Home Post)


Home post

Week 9


  • さくら通信「ひきこもり」


  • さくら通信「選挙」

Finally started さくら通信 and I have to say, this thing is super fun to listen to. I haven’t learnt their names yet, but the one that is not さくらさん has a very natural and contagious laugh. They’re so silly and seem to be having a great time. It’s definitely hard for me and I also was listening to them while collecting resources on FFXIV so I wasn’t paying 100% attention, more like 70 or 80%. But still, I think I’ll listen to this one much more cause out of all the podcasts I have it’s probably one of the most entertaining.


August 27 :blossom: Home Post

Today I watched part of Orochi for one of my classes, which admittedly had English subtitles but I picked up a lot of extra information from the audio! It’s all like samurai speech so it was cool to get stuff like that :grin:


I have mostly been watching youtube channels I’ve already mentioned and relistening to audiobooks, but today I started the first episode of 古畑任三郎, a 90s detective drama recommended to me by a friend. I’m around 30 minutes in and I’m liking it so far. It’s funny how old shows from other cultures can have a nostalgic feel despite never having seen it before and being so different culturally. I had the same feeling reading 江戸川乱歩 for the first time.

On a tangentially related note, I feel like the early 2000s were a dead zone for media in America and that’s sort of how Japanese shows from that era feel to me too. Y2K just messed with the groove of things I guess.


August 28th!

I was out and about for most of the day today, but still managed to squeeze in a tony bit of listening - just one episode of Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners.

(Home Post)


:sound: Listening Room: Date 20220828 :loud_sound:

Day LXVIII: おいしい :carrot:

NHK Vid, how to make fried vegetables! I shouldn’t watch food videos before bedtime.

Also watched more Pokemon episodes today than a human adult probably should do.
:zap: :zap:


Home post

Week 9
:confetti_ball: 8 6 % :confetti_ball:


  • さくら通信「トイレ」

August 28 :blossom: Home Post

I watched the rest of Orochi today which was fun semi-listening practice, but I also watched part of a let’s play so yay, more typical content! We’re getting there :muscle:


Still on track to finishing August with full checks. :smiling_face: One of my recent fave channels on YouTube is NEVER TOO SMALL, and the other day I happened to watch a video of theirs that featured a Japanese architect! I didn’t catch everything he said the first time around, so I made this video my listening practice for today, as well.


:sound: Listening Room: Date 20220829 :loud_sound:

Day LXIX: Dispense the cans of tasty :canned_food:

NHK vid, in the tech section.

All about the glory of vending machines and how they work.
(along with explanations for how other machines work too)


August 29th!

3 more episodes of Teasing Master Takagi-san today. Can’t believe I’m half way through season 3 already! I need to find something equally cute to watch once I’ve run out…

(Home Post)


Aug 30, Tue of Week 10 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022

I am now at HUNTER×HUNTER Ep.24. (Actually started Ep.25 a little.) Also finished manga Vol.3 as a companion, but my watching is further now.

Also, continued to watch かぐや様は告らせたい S3, now at Ep.4. Instead of having JP sub, I made sentence flashcards and tried to listen better (because I can’t see the sub in shortly advance). Honestly, it can be troublesome to pick out phrases sometimes.


Home post

Week 10


  • さくら通信「地球最後の日」

August 29 :blossom: Home Post

I had class today so lots of listening, mostly related to geography and math :joy: it’s all relevant sometime!


:sound: Listening Room: Date 20220830 :loud_sound:

Day LXX: ちょっと。。。 :rocket:

NHK school vid, in the language section.

There’s an emergency situation at the high-tech NATA space institute. But how can the severity be conveyed in the appropriate manner? With the right intensifier words! It’s not just as is… it could be ちょっと or 少し or 超!

Also watched an episode of Pokemon :zap:


August 30th!

Just one episode of Nihongo con Teppei for Beginners so far today - but might end up watching more Teasing Master Takagi-san with my husband later. (Its already gotten pretty late though, so maybe not…)

(Home Post)


August 30 :blossom: Home Post

Just watched a bit of a let’s play, nothing too crazy! I’d like to be dedicating more time than I am but I’m mostly just glad I’ve managed to continue this far at all :man_shrugging:


:headphones: Main Station :beach_umbrella:

Well, I came late to this party, but I managed to listen to something every day since I joined in! :partying_face: I didn’t go into it with much of a plan, but I enjoyed getting to listen to a variety of things (and discover some new resources thanks to everyone who participated). With the reading challenges, I sometimes get bogged down when I don’t stick with reading a book for a book club or one that I’ve started and stopped. I think the more relaxed “listen to whatever you want” mindset I went with was refreshing for me. :smiley: I’ll be sure to toss my hat into the ring for the next challenge, should there be one (and I hope there is).

Great work, everyone! :clinking_glasses:


:sound: Listening Room: Date 20220831 :loud_sound:

Day LXXI: Triangles & Squares :dog2:

Last day, and what better way to end the challenge than with ワンちゃん! :dog2:

This one was all about triangles and squares.

After 71 consecutive days of listening I feel like I have improved… very little. Even comparing with how I was doing at the start it still feels like I’m in the same place yet slightly a bit better. I still don’t really hear sentences, just individual words, but now I hear slightly more individual words. I still feel completely lost in conversations.

At least I can understand shibe, bonus shibe: :dog2:

Congrats to everyone who has participated, hope the challenge has helped you!