🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Summer 2024 🌻 🏖


It sounds like this is bringing up feelings from other situations in your life, so I’m sorry about that. All I can say is that there’s nothing wrong with having sensory issues, and no one here will yell at you for having them. None of us will be offended if you don’t like a learner podcast, and you can drop one for any reason you like. It’s your learning journey, after all. There’s no ‘allowed’ or ‘not allowed’ in self study, as this is not a classroom with teachers, rules, or grades, and no one is checking your work. Maybe ask yourself, if a friend or one of us was saying the same thing about a podcast, would you tell them to quit being a baby and suck it up, or would you tell them they can listen to whatever they want?
If you’re having too strong of a mental block around dropping the podcast entirely, then I suggest just skipping the episodes that have the noises for now.


Today’s listening: Japanese with Shun: 6 episodes on my way to brunch:
Ep 163: Big city or nature: 6 mins
Ep 162: Mosquitos: 6 mins
Ep 161: My recent life: 7 mins
Ep 160: Crypto currency: 6 mins
Ep 159: Backpackers: 6 mins
Ep 158: McDonald’s: 6 mins


Episode 7 starts with food! Where she does her shopping and impressions between standard us supermarket, Mexican and Asian grocers


To be honest, I’m having a similar problem. The podcast I’m listening to (Easy Japanese) started out as a guy just talking about whatever came into his mind each episode. Then a couple of months in, he began to experiment with the format, occasionally having “conversations” with his wife. Not only am I not entirely comfortable with this format, but when they talk together for some reason the audio volume is way down compared to when it is just him talking alone. This means that - even at maximum volume - I struggle to hear the podcast when driving (which was one of the places I was originally enjoying listening to it). So, I’m currently reviewing my listening options.


:kick_scooter: back to my home post


Resource Time
:cup_with_straw: 4989 American Life Podcast 35mins

Episode 209, she talked about how they don’t know if they’re going to move or not, and her part time jobs.


July 20

Type Done today Progress
YouTube 40 minutes 420[1]/1200 minutes
JJK Episode 9 9/24 episodes

In Japanese Mahito’s name is 真人. Ironic. Anyway I went to watch more Akane or Sayuri, but at the top of my subscriptions page there was a recommendation for a new video from Comprehensible Japanese. She was playing a game where you unpack ones and put things away in a room, and she was describing items and where she was placing them. Then I watched another new one where she reads and talks about a manga: Pepper and Carrot. Both videos were so easy I almost got bored. I never imagined that any kind of listening would ever become this easy. It’s giving me hope for a few years down the road.

  1. blaze it :sunglasses: ↩︎


Week 3 Update:

Have listened to episodes April 1st, 2001 - April 10th, 2001 of Easy Japanese Podcast & a recent episode of Sayuri Saying.

Have also watched all available episodes of Boyfriend on Netflix, watched my weekly Spice & Wolf, and started a new drama (初恋).


<< Prev

Q3 of 2024 | Week 3

7月20日 (土)

YUYU, the latest episode

Daily brief x1

るろうに剣心 Ep.26-27

7月21日 (日)

Chinatown in South Korea

魔女の宅急便 1 Ch.9 (4:03-4:31/5:33)

るろうに剣心 S2E1


I continued listening to ep 7 of 4989. Now I know more about grocery store options in california :white_check_mark:


Today: 6 episodes of Japanese with Shun during my morning run:

Ep. 157: Happiness: 8 mins
Ep. 156: Personal trainer: 6 mins
Ep. 155: Sleeping in the car: 6 mins
Ep. 154: Raw egg on rice: 7 mins (this reminded me that next time I’m in Japan I want to go to a really good 卵かけご飯 restaurant to try it)
Ep. 153: Japanese education system: 7 mins
Ep. 152: Recent hobbies: 6 mins


:house: Home Post | :writing_hand: Study Log | Week 3

Resource Progress Total
:otter: Nihongo con Teppei (beginners) 683 → 685 1220
:camping: Campfire Cooking in Another World with My Absurd Skill 0 → 4 12

Just listened to episode #221 of the Sayuri Saying Podcast where she talks about getting her first cold in around 5 years - why she thinks she got sick, how she realized she’s forgotten how to rest. She also runs through a great list of words & phrases relating to catching a cold and/or getting sick.


July 21

Type Done today Progress
Ghibli Spirited Away 3/8 movies

This is the first week that I’m on track for everything! But the Ghibli movies are only getting harder, some are even up to level 30! :scream:


Today’s listening: most of an episode of Terrace House: Opening New Doors.


Today’s listening:
Sayuri Saying Podcast: Letting Go: Things We Discarded for a Better Life with Miku #226
Part 1 of an excellent discussion about jettisoning unnecessary things/ways of thinking.
Looking forward to listening to part 2
Plus, most recent episode of Spice & Wolf




・Japanese With Shun Genki L11-12 + ep 71-73

Spotify skipped ep 72 for some reason?? And then ep 73 and 74 were switched. I wouldn’t even have noticed either of those things had there not been something going on with his mic in ep 74…

・おまえ うまそうだな(英語字幕)
・Birdie Wing —Golf Girls’ Story—    第6〜13話(英語字幕)
・マッシュル    第1話(英語字幕)


Man, I thought Birdie Wing was just gonna have like, normal levels of gay vibes, but then Eve actually kissed Aoi on the cheek and Ichina called it yuri.

(There’s also a woman who uses 俺 just normally, and while I don’t particularly like her, she’s cool for that.)


No, but also I always try to be understanding and show compassion, which isn’t the case for a lot of people, especially not toward neurodivergents, disabled people, etc. And I dunno about this thread in particular, but I’ve definitely seen people who’ve got a very strong “No, you can’t do it that way, you’re doing it wrong!” attitude a lot on this forum. For a lot of things.

Well, I’ll be sticking with it for at least a little while longer, even if only because I don’t know any others.


:kick_scooter: back to my home post


Resource Time
:cup_with_straw: 4989 American Life Podcast 15 min
:woman: Sayuri Saying 10 min
:guitar: Bocchi the Radio 15 min

Tried Sayuri Saying but wasn’t super into it either. I feel so picky with my podcasts haha.


I’m picky too but I can’t figure out what it is that I’m picky about. Idk what makes me like or dislike a channel :crazy_face:


I guess I’m just happy if it’s a decent conversation & I can understand it. Would I listen to some of the Japanese podcasts I listen to if they were in English? Probably not because then the subject matter & delivery would become all important.


yes this is me! my taste and pickiness seems to totally depend on what I can or can’t comprehend at the time, or what it is I want to learn and how well that channel fits that need.

btw yesterday broke my streak :sob: after work we went to go try out disc golf / frisbee golf “for just an hour” and ended up meeting the guy who created the course in our town. So even though we’re total noobs it was like meeting a celebrity and he was teaching us how to actually play, I love nice people. We got back at 10pm and I was like… I still have to call my dad for his birthday :scream: (due to the time difference it was afternoon his time :sunglasses:) Utaco-san - I promise I’ll be back tomorrow!

today is a new day!