Me too. Only level 10
Wow. That is terrible. Maybe sloppy.
Are… are you calling traditional Japanese calligraphy “sloppy”?
Haha. Not really.
Well, on the subject of goshuin, here’s the one I got from Daiji-ji (temple 10 of the Chichibu 34 Kannon). I’m mostly concerned about the text on the right-hand page, which I’m fairly sure actually relates to temple number 9. The text on the left page is repeated at least twice in print. I think.
(Also, technically it’s a 納経 rather than a 御朱印, but I honestly have no idea what the difference is.)
めぐり来て その名を聞けばあけち寺 心の月は くもらざらん
i think :D??? the furigana are very helpful
Ah, you rose from the grave purely to comment on my post. I feel almost humbled.
But yeah, with your input, I can kinda see where you’re coming from. I wonder if the kana before 寺 is also ら, though I don’t really know what あけち or あけら would mean. And there’s gotta be something else in that squiggle after the ざ.
As for a translation… “While on your pilgrimage, if you… [listen to the name?] of this temple, the moon in your heart will not become enclouded”. I guess? (If it helps any, temple number 9 is named 明智寺.)
Well that’s clearly the kanji ⼎ゑ.
That’s hard oO 涼 maybe?
Good guess! That was close.
It’s 源 in a 草書 style. … the ⼚ radical was the key here.
明智 is not read as あけち? According to my phone’s IME it is read as あけち.
Oh. Why, yes it is. And I knew that, too…
Also realised that 聞ける means “to tell”. “If you tell of that name, Akechi-ji, the moon in your heart will not become enclouded”… perhaps?
Welp, let’s ignore this shame by quickly moving on to the next one.
(For some reason, the use of 拾壹面 instead of 十一面 in the calligraphy amuses me.)
Something like ひたすらにたのみをかけな大慈寺六乃ちまたの苦にかわろべし is my guess.
Aye, that’s roughly what I figured. What happened to the left half of the な, though? And why’s the furigana on the 六 written むつ?
And… what’s it mean?
Suddenly occurred to me that I could Google, and turned up this (though a warning, that site is fairly resource-heavy on my computer). That’d help with transcription, but perhaps not so much meaning…
… yeah, it turned to be a small よ.
I think it means something in the lines of “devotedly asking your requests in 大慈 temple the sufferings of the six realms should change”… or something entirely different …
Not to rain on your parade, but the 聞けば there is a conjugation of 聞く. If it was 聞ければ it’d be a different story though.
Ooo, nice. Let’s see how many I can locate. And how many of them I’ve been to myself. Reading all of the text on them is definitely going to be beyond me, though.
- Thinking Tocho-ji, Fukuoka
- Ooo, Itsukushima Shrine, on Miyajima. I’ve been there, but before I started collecting goshuin.
- I can read 護国神社 there, and that looks kinda like 島, so I’m guessing (since you’re clearly in Hiroshima), that the first kanji is some more archaic version of 広, making it Hiroshima Gokoku Shrine
- Daisho-in on Miyajima - I can even read the aspect of Fudo (波切不動明王). I was quite confused that it seemed to be showing the wrong sango - 大本山 when it should be 多喜山 - untill I realised that’s not the sango but the sect: 真言宗大本山.
- I can see 厳島弁財天 in the stamp on the right, and 大願寺 (= Daigan-ji) on the left, but the calligraphy escapes me. I must have visited here - it’s right at the exit of Itsukushima Shrine - but it’s not ringing any bells for me.
- From the 中国十三番 stamp, this has gotta be Mitaki-dera in Hiroshima, but boy, I cannot make out a thing.
- Only thing I can make out on this one is 宮島, but given the context, that pretty much went without saying. Pass.
- Itatehyozu Shrine in Himeji - someone left these kanji in the sun and they melted, which made it surprisingly hard to read.
- Is there a Gokoku Shrine in Himeji too?
Ah, this is taking me longer than I’d thought. Gonna have to lay off for now.
Aye, I realised that shortly after I posted. I think we agreed to ignore my shame, though.