Leech Squashing

I just posted the following in a different thread but it actually has more relevance here. Since noticing I have a problem with guru reviews, I started using StellaTerra’s leech detecting list and the WaniKani to Anki Importer critical list to improve my performance with leech items.


I use simply 1 10 240 480, by the way. By this way, I don’t have to deal with 24 hours, 3 days, 3 days; when I cannot create Custom Study or Filtered Deck.


Currently, I detect leeches with [STATS] Statistics site - #585 by rfindley

As for StellaTerra’s… There are only Kanji for me for some reasons.


If you only see Kanji, I definitely recommend reloading a time or two. It’s really hard to reliably get the vocab because of how large the response is. I’ll address this sooner or later.


Most of the time, it just doesn’t stop spinning. Can there be a progress bar or something? Also, check for integrity.

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Did they change this recently? When I got to it the meaning was “agreement”, and that makes some sense to me because of the 「決め」 part, which sort of highlights that a decision has been made.

Just my two cents.

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It’s both.

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I didn’t know about this feature! Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

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Thank you so much. Scary to see my list and I get bugged just looking at. Good thing you cannot hear me swear every time I get these wrong :wink:

Mission = just learn them!!

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It always took me a bit to understand 会, because I always looked it up in my good ol’ kanji dictionary, and it still didn’t make sense at first. Of course, now that I look at it, I guess you could associate 員 as a person who acts within a corporate society (会 [society]). Or maybe a member of that society, an employee?
I dunno.

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Yeah, 会 is funny because I always learned it as verb, “to meet”, which is not exactly its correct (or whole) meaning. I’ve noticed, though, that 会員 is the only “会” word with which I have trouble… meanwhile, anything involving 員 is a bloody headache.

For instance, another leech I’m currently squashing is 兵員 - military strenght, military personnel. Whenever it comes, however, I just write down “soldier.” I’m essentially trying to see “員” as a plural, as “members”, “group”, “grouping”, etc., even though that’s not correct. It gives me the answer to 会員 (“the membership” in the plural) and 兵員 (military personnel), so maybe that’ll help.

I’m also not sure if this confusion stems from learning Japanese from English instead of my native language :stuck_out_tongue: but I chug along!


Where can i find this table? I’ve never seen it before.

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[quote=“bertoncelj1, post:93, topic:17543, full:true”]
Where can i find this table? I’ve never seen it before.
[/quote]@bertoncelj1, Click on the word “Items” at the top of the page:

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I remember 想定 like this:

In French sortie means exit. So I’m trapped in a room and there are three doors. 2 lead to certain death. Hmm, which should I choose? Evidence suggests it’s the middle door. But I can’t be sure, it’s only my hypothesis.

Or you could involve the English/French word sauté?

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Great tool! Thanks! Will be much easier to see wich one’s you have trouble with (In a much more detailed way than wanikani statistics, even though I use that as well to see which one’s are falling behind).

Just a quick question, does the “score” mean that the ones with the lowest score are the once you have most trouble with in order of time gained + how many wrong answers, or is it the highest score? Just wondering :slight_smile:

My list wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but will study these more for sure now :slight_smile:

Seems like I’m no fan of sunlight :sweat_smile: (Might be a reason why I have a vampire as my avatar…)


This needs its own thread in the API and Scripts section, so it’s easier to find.

Maybe a way to select which scores (and up) you want to see? For instance, everything showing with a score of 2 is pretty new [EDIT 2: Nope, that is not true once I’ve sorted things. Lots of Enlightened items with a score of 2], so I don’t think it’s a leech yet. I’d just like to see the oldest things (score of 4 or 5 and higher (which is worse). Thank you for sharing this with us!

Also, I was surprised not to see the total number of reviews done… I know I’ve got some items I’ve already answered 28 times… But not sure where on your list they were generated. Seeing that larger number, and maybe even being able to sort by that as well, would be helpful to find the oldest and worst leeches.

EDIT: Saw the post where you said it’s updated and can sort. The sorting is so helpful! Rather than going by score, I’m looking at sorting by Wrong Answers (the worst is only 13???) and now I’m really seeing some familiar leechy faces. I would still like to see that total number of reviews though… So maybe I’ve got that one wrong 13/28 times??? A percentage might also be nice to see. With that update (that I had no idea the features were available to me) has made this all the more useful. Thanks again!

EDIT 3: I’ve noticed 小皿 was near the top initially, but disappears from the list entirely when sorting by Wrong. I guess this means I have more than 50 leeches?

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Except for 負ける, so much yes!!!

(I know a song 負けないで/I will not yield, so that hasn’t gotten confused, thankfully.)

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Updated the script to be a little less confusing, and moving the discussion to a third-party thread: Leech Detector


I am thinking that the number of Guru could be another indicator for leeches.

How many Guru do you have?


That’s what I do. I have a chalk wall sticker where I write up my leechs. I remove them as I’m getting more confident (also to open space for new ones). It has proven to be very effective. :slight_smile: