SRS Time Intervals (v67.0)

I thought this topic was a discussion of what we think about the intervals.

A lot of people were pleased to see the 71 hour interval to guru reduced to 47 hours.

For me, the guru review periods are too long. Once the item is in guru queue, there is a one week and then two week wait for the next review. I was failing a lot of these reviews. I couldn’t get them into the master queue. I can get a new item into guru quite easily. Then after one or two weeks, they drop back into the apprentice queue.

I am trying to deal with this by downloading the “critical” items into an Anki deck and pummelling my brain with them at intervals of 1 1 10 240 480 1440 4320 4320 (minutes). In other words, review after 1 minute, 1 minute, 10 minutes, 4 hours, 8 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, 3 days. I used @StellaTerra’s new LeechDetector script to identify other problem vocab items. I am finally seeing the items move from guru to master queues.