Last session: Failed, should have moved down SRS... Instead BURNED

I was also wondering if it could be related to/or a holdover from this bug a few years back…

Items not moving out of review pool after doing them - #13 by AnimeCanuck
Self-resurrecting items!?

By that you mean per-item, if I am understanding you correctly… yes?

If you’re talking about mine, I’m not worried about it. ^^ The actual amount of hours might be helpful… (would it?)

But I am positive I reviewed it a week or two ago. Did I burn it and the burn didn’t take instead? O.o

My next review is in an hour and a half and is only 1 item… I don’t have a significant amount until around 9pm EST. (Around 10 or so…)
I suppose I should mention that I absolutely saw the items in the review summary - and they both - 追いかける and 例外 showed up in my custom “recent fails” pile in @rfindley’s self-study script, a half an hour-ish later.

For the last week or so, I’ve been dealing with my failed items like this:

  • On the review page, I say the readings and meanings for every item I failed, multiple times - more the less I think I know it. I do this for ~1-10 minutes, depending on the number of items and how badly I feel I knew the items in question. (I’ve always been doing this - at least for as long as the forums have been on discourse, probably beforehand.)
  • Then, 30 mins later (to an hour), I open up the Self-Study Quiz script on the dashboard, and work through my “recent fails” - which is set to only look at failed items from the last review session, only if that session was within the last 8 hours. If I get any wrong that time, I do the remaining items again, until I get 100% correct.
  • Then I leave the items alone, and wait until my WK reviews come up.

This is why I am absolutely positive that I did these reviews. O.o (And why I’m confused as to how they didn’t make it to the server - where is WKOF/Self-Study Quiz/WKOF Additional Features pulling them from?)

EDIT: I finally resurrected 例外. So now I expect to see that in my reviews again. And to not burn it.