Does this happen to anyone else? It’s hard to take screenshots because it happens so quickly and not each time but really often.
I don’t know how else to explain it but as soon as the counter for reviews goes to zero and I think I’m done (meaning that I’ve entered the definitions for the last item both in Japanese and English) the screen won’t go to the summary page but the last one appears again and I have to type the answers again.
I’m not even sure if this is actually a bug but it’s slightly annoying.
This happened to me on my work computer only (Windows 7, Chrome, with or without scripts). Never bothered me enough to complain about it and I assumed it was an issue with that computer, but since it happens to you on mobile it’s got to be some bug.
What’s more annoying than having to answer that last once twice though, is when you’re watching that little ‘remaining items’ counter tick down and you think “alright almost done… and done… damn it 50 more?, I was suppose to be done”
I’m a scripter, but I think it got noticeable around 2-3 months ago? May have started before, but this is when it started happening almost every time, especially on mobile.
I also have experienced this issue starting quite a while ago. It doesn’t bother me, but for debugging purposes, I’m running Firefox on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and I’m using the Clean Dashboard, Dashboard Progress Plus, Ultimate Timeline, and Reorder Ultimate 2 scripts. (I also recently added Golden Burn, Real Numbers, and Burn Review, but I’d been experiencing this issue since before I added those.)
I’ve noticed it a few weeks ago, I’m not sure exactly. I was using scripts, but even after uninstalling all scripts and extensions (for a different reason altogether) it kept happening.
This has also happened to me on previous months, though it hasn’t been as common recently. I only started using scripts on this computer a couple of weeks ago.