Kumirei's Userscripts

Yeah, so sadly you’ll just have to wait for that to tick up again

IIRC the script updates every 10 minutes, so that should be why it took a while after updating


You appear to be entirely correct, it’s counting up fine now :+1:t2:


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As I am not using most of my scripts myself I rely on reports to let me know that something is not working. Tomorrow WK will make a lot of changes, and at the moment I do not have time to go through all my scripts and make sure that they work right, so please, if you notice something isn’t doing what it should, let me know.


I am reporting two more scripts not working, presumably due to the WK changes

Random voice actor doesn’t randomize anymore.

Burn bell doesn’t ring when burning items.


Thanks! Sadly random voice actor no longer works as there is no easy way to change it during a session. I imagine you could intercept the network calls, but that’s not something I want to deal with.

Burn Bell I thought I fixed, but I only tested it in Omega, so maybe I didn’t do the standalone one… I’ll take a look at it

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Burn Bell should now be fixed… And I might have an idea for randomizing the VA


Thanks for the fix. Tonight (EST) I didn’t have burn review to test it. I have some tomorrow.

I hope your idea about RVA will work.

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Thanks for the burn bell update! Best of luck with the random voice actor - it’s probably the script I’m most missing right now! :sweat_smile:


I confirm the Burn Bell works fine now.


Random Voice Actor is back! It now requires the Queue Manipulator dependency, but it works!

CC: @Hubbit200


Yess, thank you!
It does seem to break with the audio for meaning questions script I just posted - any chance if you have a few minutes free at some point you could take a really quick look (the code is very short) and let me know if anything stands out to you that could be causing random voice actor to break? There don’t seem to be any console errors. My code is definitely not following any kind of best practices - so it’s very likely something I’m doing wrong there!
No problem if you don’t get a chance though :slight_smile:

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Just took a quick look at your code, although on my phone so I could easily have missed something. The way my script works is that it alters the item data in the queue to have the same (random) audio for both voice actors. When automatically playing the audio WK reads the uri from the queue. It looks like you’re grabbing an actual audio element and getting the uri from there. I’m not sure where that data comes from

I think I probably should be updating that audio element as well, for when users play the audio using the button or hotkey

Thanks for taking a look! If you’d be fine with potentially updating your script at some point to update that audio element as well like you say (not just for the sake of my script but also just for anyone who plays the audio using the button or hotkey as you said) then I’ll hold off on changing how mine works for now!

Thanks for your hard work in getting Random Voice Actor back! I’m not familiar with Queue Manipulator. Is that another of your userscripts?

Edit: Nevermind, I found the appropriate thread: [For Userscript Authors] WK Queue Manipulator

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Note that you don’t have to install it yourself, as the script loads does load it as well


Sorry to bother you about this again: I’m trying to get my script to work with how Random Voice actor is now (in the time until you potentially get a chance to update it as you mentioned) and I can’t work out how to best access the data queue as you said your script does - is there any better way than trying to JSON.parse the contents of document.querySelector("#quiz-queue").firstChild.textContent and then .find() in the resulting list? Because that keeps on giving me errors that the JSON has an incorrect ending - is the queue in that element cut off part-way through?
I know this isn’t fully related to your scripts, but I was just hoping you might have some experience doing that! :sweat_smile:

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I’m using the Queue Manipulator which I believe does use JSON.parse() to get the queue

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Use firstElementChild instead of firstChild.
firstChild is grabbing a text node between the <div> and the <script> tags.
firstElementChild skips text nodes and looks for html elements.


A minor bug with no consequence in Burn Bell. It sounds twice when burning a radical.

Edit: It just rang twice on a vocab. I suspect some interference from another script.

Edit again: I just burned a few items and it rang once. The bug is intermittent.

Do you happen to also have burn bell enabled in Omega?

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