Katsuyou - a new Ruby gem for generating Japanese conjugations

[Update: Term definition! Ruby is a programming language and a gem is a Ruby library!]

In maintaining KameSame, I’ve got several features I’d like to build that depend on reliable & correct conjuguations of Japanese words (verbs for now, eventually い-adjectives, too)

For now this is just printing some handful of forms on the item page, but eventually I’ll be trying things like generating cards based on random conjugations (e.g. “Let’s cook”, “To be able to swim”)

In any case, I’ve open-sourced a gem named Katsuyou (活用) to do this for me. Feel free to poke around or consider using it in your apps—feedback welcome!


Guessing when you say “ruby” you’re not referring to ruby text? Only I’m a bit confused as to where rubies came into the conversation.

If you can do two columns, it might be worth putting plain and polite forms in separate lists. Also, “present” tense in Japanese is more accurately “non-past”, because it covers future as well.

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Ruby is also a programming language, so maybe that?

And presumably “gem” also has some jargon meaning and doesn’t just mean he thinks this project is awesome? :slight_smile:

Heh sorry, updated the OP

[Update: Term definition! Ruby is a programming language and a gem is a Ruby library!]