just signed on, how do i type out in japanese? am i being dumb?
You’re not dumb at all! KameSame is a great way to learn how to type Japanese! As usual Tofugu has an article on it How to Type in Japanese (And Fun Characters Too!)
Yep! If you scroll up a bit, this is intentional. If KS were a native app I’d have used a tab bar along the bottom in the interest of reachability, so for PWA / “install to home screen”, this weekend I moved the navigation bar to the bottom
Also mentioned in that post: the account page now has a reload button!
ooh, whoops, it’s me who misread you! Glad you got things sorted!
As someone who started doing KameSame not too long after I had started WaniKani I now have to click on the star every time to see if I have any new lessons available from the stuff I freshly guru’d on WK. It’d be nice if there could be a “x/no lessons available” below the star, just like how it is done with the reviews. It’s not too big of a deal, but I don’t see why it shouldn’t show the amount of (or none) lessons availablle.
Yep, I understand. Ask for your patience and to sit tight. In the near-ish future, the number of lessons available to all users will be effectively unlimited, so the lessons UI is changing from treating lessons as a scared resource to a cadence goal (of 50 per week).
Ok, another major update today: now whenever KameSame is updated, the client will detect it on the very next communication it receives from the server. From there, it will wait until you navigate to a new page, then reload the browser window and display a message explaining that a new version was just pulled down, necessitating the refresh
Hi @searls
I just came back from a vacation from WK etc. and I’m delighted to find you have added this feature!
Just wanted to say thank you.
Just wanted to quickly say that I’ve started using this last week and I love it! I’ve
also felt that having to produce the kanji would help a lot, so I’ve been writing the kanji by hand while doing kanji reviews on KameSame. Thank you @searls!
I am trying to use it but it is really giving me grief with Microsoft’s Japanese IME. Can not for the life of me get the kanji to pop up for “repeater”. Had almost as much trouble trying to get the kanji for “2”. Very frustrating. If there is a better way for me to use Japanese on my Windows 10 laptop someone please tell me and if possible provide a link!
Just type something like 時々(ときどき) and delete the first character. Same with 二つ
Type おなじ (“same”), hit spacebar twice, and select the repeater from the list.
edit: Or switch to Google IME, which most people tend to prefer. Google IME accepts のま for selecting 々.
I was literally just thinking about this problem this morning. So often I score 100% on a word in wanikani but when I want to use it in conversation I can’t think of what it is and was trying to figure out a way to study to combat this problem. This app is amazing and is exactly what I was looking for (without looking for it lol!) Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to make something like this!
I haven’t used this in a while so sorry if this has been addressed, but I’m having a weird issue and searching didn’t bring up anything.
Whenever I enter an answer and then press backspace, for example to delete half of a jukugo word, pressing enter afterwards clears the input field instead of submitting.
Only selecting the kanji directly from the IME works. If I did use backspace, clicking once outside the input field before pressing enter is required to make it not clear the rest of the input.
For kanji with common readings I rely a lot on entering jukugo and deleting half of it to immediately bring up the right kanji instead of scrolling through 50+ suggestions, so this is happening a lot.
Is there an issue on my end?
Edit: this is on Windows 10 using Chrome
Woah, that’s not good. I have not experienced that issue. I assume you’re hitting enter once to confirm the jukugo selection and then hitting backspace (or, say, left-arrow and then backspace)?
Either way, eek. Has anyone else seen this?
I’ve experienced similar behavior when doing reviews. Although, when it happens to me, it’s usually because I haven’t confirmed the selection, but delete a kanji anyways. Then, whatever’s left has a chance of disappearing when I hit [Enter] to confirm. I can’t recall any specific words that make this happen. Since I rarely use jukugo to get individual kanji, I just chalked it up to a bug or quirk with Microsoft’s IME.
FWIW, on Win10 using Brave (basically Chromium with privacy extensions).
Welcome back to the forums! Thanks for reporting this and keeping KameSame great!
I assume you’re hitting enter once to confirm the jukugo selection and then hitting backspace (or, say, left-arrow and then backspace)?
I press space to use the first suggestion. If just confirmed if I press space, then enter and then backspace it doesn’t behave like this. However, this isn’t how it worked before. Just pressing space is enough to enter the suggestion, and I can then continue typing. It’s just when I press enter afterwards that it deletes the whole thing.
After trying a input in some different places I now realize this behaviour is consistent and it’s the IME doing this, so it has nothing to do with KameSame. Now I just need to figure out how to make it work like before because I got really used to this behaviour and the extra enter in between is messing with my flow.
Hmm, in my experience with every keyboard-based IME, I’ve had to hit enter to confirm my selection before I can manipulate it by doing things like hitting backspace for one character. This is normal AFAIK