During normal typing I never press enter though, just space is enough. After backspace I can also continue typing as normal without my previous input going away, and clicking to lose focus lets it stay as well. That seems inconsistent to me.
But if deleting on enter is the intended behaviour, then maybe an older version of kamesame was somehow hijacking the enter input before the IME could process it? I just don’t understand why this behaviour changed otherwise.
Edit: I tried to type in a text processor and it’s behaving as I would expect. For example using a text processor typing せいふ [space] [backspace] [enter] confirms the input 政. Doing the same input sequence in Chrome deletes the first kanji on pressing enter. For now I’ll just use a different browser like Edge, which behaves like the text processor. That solves the issue for me. Still weird Chrome behaves differently though.
I have a selfish request that I keep making here and there, and I get that it doesn’t really fit your approach with this app, but… Would it be possible to add Anki mode in the app? I have really bad arms and typing all the answers in those very repetitive moves hurts. If not, I understand, but it would be a lovely addition!
More like, using one button to show the answer and two others to mark it right or wrong So basically I’m referring to Mempo/irrelephant style Anki mode. But yes, no typing the answer!
Is there a way to randomize the order of reviews? My reviews all seem to come in the same order each time, based on their order when I did the lessons. (eg 金 then 駅 every time, as long as I get it right)
Not sure if I’m misunderstanding, but here are some screenshots of what I mean. In my lessons I got Poison 毒、Previous 昨、then Behind 後 in that order. Then a few hours later for my reviews I got those 3 kanji (as well as the rest of the kanjis in the lesson batch) in the same order again. This happens consistently. Any way to randomize the review order? If it makes any difference, I’m only doing kanji lessons at the moment; no vocab.
Can confirm the lack of randomizing issue happens to me as well, and I’m currently doing only vocab. Unfortunately I don’t have any screenshots, but I’m absolutely certain that at least some vocab are always in the same order.
Yes, this has happened on my first time as well. Make sure you use the “spacebar” first when looking for options. Only when you can’t find it there you try “TAB”. Also, once IME gets used to what you mostly want, it’ll be near the top.
Failing a review will no longer consider it “done” and start the SRS timer. Rather, it will update the SRS stage and still require a correct answer before being considered “done”. This is a very nuanced difference that won’t affect hardly anybody in practice.
Another highly nuanced change: if you have reviews or lessons open in two different tabs and you complete an item in one tab, the next time you complete any other item in the other tab, the server will silently remove any no-longer-eligible-for-review items from your in progress queue. This will help people avoid accidentally doing the same queue twice.
Again, neither are things very many people likely ever hit unless they tended to open KameSame in multiple tabs around the same time and continue review sessions upon return to each.
I figured I’d share a raw todo list with y’all, since the last couple months have seen a drip-drip-drip of odds and ends. Here’s what’s been on my todo list of things to clean up or do before starting work on KameSame “2.0”
Batch up reviews to the next hour
Fix errant apostrophes in certain english translations (e.g. Speech → Words • One’'S Lines • Remarks)
Prevent the back button from taking you back to transient screens like the loading screen
Fix notification animations that might flash suddenly
Only show XP / rank / level notifications when studying after you successfully complete the card
Scroll to the top of the page when hitting any of the save keys (so you see the notification clearly)
Clear any info/error notifications when you navigate to a different page
Reviews logo is a pill that fills up at 20, 50, 100, 200, 300
Lessons logo is a star that shines brighter the more stars you fill in a calendar week. User field lessons goal 25, 50, 75, 100. Yellowness is variable
progress page should show off # of inbox zeros & the number of stars earned along with level
add a property url_fuzz to review/lessons as they come donw. in study view when that exists, route it accordingly and add an extra path for that view
Remove burned items from new & noteworthy
reward notification for earning your star like level???
review pills are misformated in large screen
i was just given an inbox zero but had one left
- root cause is that once you get one wrong you’re not technically obliged to keep getting it wrong until you get it right as you are with WK…
- can we make it so that an item is not “complete” until you get it right again?
ask server if any of your remaining reviews/lessons are no longer ready for review every few minutes, then silently remove them from your review set
sometimes people will pick up reviews from an ancient tab and things are no longer eligible for review and so their answers aren’t persisted. we should probably let users know when this is happening and/or update the WIP counts for htem
don’t decorate/underline links that look like buttons
alt match on a vocab should sort up a vocab before a matching kanji
example: answer 瞳 for 7509-vocabulary_production and the alt match will be the kanji, not the vocab
New today: a copy-to-clipboard button on the results page. It’s a wee bit confusing because it will copy the correct answer, not whatever characters you’d typed in, but I couldn’t find a better place to put the link to very quickly allow myself to copy an answer to go paste elsewhere.
Ok, wrapping up the weekend with a few under-the-hood improvements to improve KameSame’s behavior when used as a PWA, on iPad OS 13, and by touch screens. Should be a tad more consistent now.
Additionally, selecting the text of your previous answer in iOS should now be as simple as tapping on it once and then getting it selected for you. Previously, selecting the text of the disabled answer field was mostly impossible.