KameSame - a fast, feature-rich Japanese memorization webapp

with this update it seems that i have to reenter lesson for every single word, surely this is not intended as it makes going through lessons so much slower.

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Since the update, I can’t do any lesson, every time I input an answer, it brings me back to the homepage, must be a bug somewhere.
That being said, it’s a great too, thanksl!!


Oh, this is amazing! If there’s one thing that I struggle with, it’s with trying to recall certain kanji when listening to Japanese YouTube videos (with English subs still - I’ll get there one day!) as practice. This will help enormously! Thank you so much for this! I’ll see if I can throw a dollar your way as well :smile:

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& @Fleckens

Yes, sorry about this. There were a few bugs in the deployment last night. Try again now and you should be good.

No worries, my review box was full anyway so had plenty of things to get done before the lessons, but thanks for the quick fix.

It’s working well now. Thank you

Humorously, when searching for alternative drawing keyboards for iOS, I came across this Japanese article which shares a bit of the angst about “but how do I type this kanji I don’t know a reading for” iPhoneのキーボードで「手書き入力」する方法──漢字の読み方が分からず変換できないときに便利 | アプリオ

We have discussed writing IMEs here: Writing IME?

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Best Things Ever for Japanese:

-5. WaniKani
-4. WaniKani app like AlliCrab 4.0
-3. #4 and KameSame
-2. #3 and KameSame app
-1. #3 and KameSame app with native reviewing that supports server costs


How painful would it be to implement a vacation mode (ie freezing the SRS) in KameSame?
I wasn’t planning on putting my Japanese studies on pause but I’ll have to do it for a few weeks time, and was wondering if it’s a feature you would consider?


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Hi, sorry, I don’t have any plans to implement that at this time.

Indeed. Thanks for the answers!

Another pretty cool update today, the PWA / standalone / “add to homescreen” version of KameSame is much improved.

If you use Android, hopefully everything still works OK, but I’m really only targeting my own phones which are all iPhone X variants.

Here are a few screenshots showing how KameSame now embraces the notch and moves navigation to the bottom when you add it to your homescreen:

Also, important for people who use KameSame in this mode, there is now a “Reload KameSame” button under the “Account” page, which you can use to force iOS to fetch the latest version of the app. It’s way too conservative about caching it, so often you’ll be on a much older version.

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I am a bit puzzled by a couple of things: (1) unless I am missing something, there seems to be no way to tell whether I have any lessons available and, if so, how many I have, other than clicking on the lessons star, then clicking on the ‘start lessons’ button and getting surprised. Which makes it more difficult to plan when I choose to use kamesame, wanikani, or kaniwani—I try to space them out. (2) Personally, I have no interest in doing 50 or more lessons per week—I just finished re-configuring my Japanese-learning strategy so that it no longer feels like it is taking over my life, so that I have more time, e.g., to hone my coding skills ;). My goal is to keep up a moderate, relatively leisurely pace and not ever fall behind. Thus, “34 more lessons” (to get to 50 for the week) is of no use to me, whereas how many lessons I have available is important but no longer evident. “135 reviews to go” works perfectly fine for me, assuming that means 135 reviews are currently available as in the past. (3) The level thing seems a bit off. My kamesame level is 41 of 100, even though I am only on wanikani level 11 of 60. (4) The meaning of the phrase “inbox zeroes” remains obscure to me :confused:

Many thanks for all your excellent hard work, your app is exceptionally useful and makes it possible to overcome significant deficiencies in wanikani. I have used it every day for several months and find doing reviews on it to be the most fun of the three websites. And I was very pleased to discover this morning that is was possible to become a patron, so now I fell like less of a freeloader :wink:

While I am at it, I have one request for you to consider, thought it is hardly an urgent one. While sometimes I get a review answer wrong because I have entered a homonym, I think it is perfectly fine to not have an ‘ignore answer’ button—all I have to do is actually pay attention to what the IME has come up with before I hit enter. Sometimes, however, I get the answer counted as correct and then see that I have entered the “wrong” reading, say, the kun-yomi instead of the on-yomi for a kanji, and then I find myself wishing I could retroactively count the answer as wrong.

Thanks again, Justin!

This is a good point, and something I’ve never considered because I always have at least 7000 WaniKani items available as lessons for myself. I’ll add something to indicate how many are available

I appreciate this feedback and will consider it as I continue work on the lesson system, which will continue to be overhauled over the course of the summer.

KameSame and WaniKani’s leveling systems are not related. WaniKani’s levels are gated by initial competency of particular content, whereas KameSame’s levels are based solely on an experience point (XP) system and XP is earned for completing reviews.

At level 41, you’ll have earned at least 191,000 XP which is a lot, that’s really awesome! That doesn’t mean you’re 2/3rds of the way to “done”, however, because KameSame’s max level is (currently) 100, as opposed to 60, and the leveling curve—like most XP-based role-playing games—is not linear. That means that rather than ~40% of the way to being max level, you’re closer to 16% of the way there.

When you look at it that way, that matches WaniKani’s level 11 out of 60 quite closely, as that is ~18% of the way to max level in WaniKani. KameSame’s XP-based leveling curve was designed to take roughly two years for the average, daily user.

“Inbox Zero” means you’ve emptied your review inbox. Each time you finish your last review, you earn an inbox zero credit.

Ok, I’m pushing up a change to the lessons page now which will at least tell you how many WK-based lessons you have available for the most recently used rank. This is going to change in the near-term future, but should help in the meantime.


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I just started using your program, and it is so fantastic and wonderful!! Thank you so much! I love Kaniwani, but it’s difficult not to get frustrated at having to know the exact word it wants you to remember.

Perhaps someone has already mentioned this, but will there be any shift toward different icons? I have bad ADHD and it’s hard having the tab open with so many colorful spam-looking icons staring me down. I know it’s a small thing, but I’m having trouble looking away. Here’s a dog to mollify this request.


Ahhhhh, okay, thank you

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Many thanks, you are awesome

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Hmm, have you refreshed/reloaded the page?